Treatment of prostate cancer is quite difficult and the recovery phase takes a long time. Medical treatment leaves side effects and expensive costs make cancer patients become desperate after they are convicted with cancer by doctors.
There are several other non-medical treatments that can treat patients using some natural ingredients or herbal remedies.
Indeed, the efficacy of natural medicine has not been scientifically proven, but there are some patients can recover just by undergoing traditional medicine. One of the natural treatments for prostate cancer is apple vinegar.

Apple vinegar is obtained from the fermentation of fresh apples, although it tastes sour but apple vinegar does not increase the acidity of the body.
If you are with prostate cancer, you can try taking the 10 benefits of apple vinegar that we present in this article to help and overcome your suffering
1. Apple Vinegar Powerful To Kill Cancer Cells
Either vinegar or apple fruit contains various anticancer substances such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, thiamin, lactic acid and acetic acid. In addition, apple vinegar also contains pectin which can absorb chemical compounds and heavy metals in the body.
The availability of pectin in apple vinegar relieves the work of the liver in neutralizing the toxins from the body so that the use of apple vinegar can support medical treatment.
Pectin can also coat the digestive organs and bind fat in the colon wall as a place to store the digestive residual substances to be removed. As a result, the colon becomes clean and increases your chances of recovering from prostate cancer.
2. Apple Vinegar Can Prevent Prostate Cancer Cell Development
Apple vinegar contains chemical compounds such as quercetin and procynidins, which are very effective in inhibiting the growth and development of cancer cells so that apple cider vinegar is reliable in preventing symptoms of prostate cancer in newly diagnosed individuals.
In addition to effective in preventing prostate cancer, apple vinegar is also believed in overcoming breast cancer, skin cancer and lung cancer so apple vinegar supplementation is very good to help maintain health.
3. Apple Vinegar Inhibits Tumor Cell Formation
Tumors and cancer are abnormalities caused by abnormal cell activity that grows uncontrollably. The difference is that tumors are characterized by an increasingly large lump, whereas cancer is not always characterized by a lump.
Apple vinegar contains catechins that provide benefits to prevent and treat tumor diseases in the body.
Various chemical compounds and antioxidants will protect cells from damage and detect harmful chemicals in the body so that the body is healthier and protected from prostate cancer.
4. Other Benefits of Apple Vinegar for Health
Since ancient Greek times apple vinegar has been used in overcoming weight problems. The Romans also took care of skin beauty by taking advantage of apple vinegar.
You can also get many benefits after applying apple vinegar, including
- Prevent and overcome blood cholesterol
Apple vinegar can absorb excess fat and cholesterol in the body so that the bad fats that stick in the walls of blood vessels can be cleaned. The blood vessels become wider and the blood circulation will be smooth.
- Lowering blood pressure.
High blood pressure can lead to stroke in people at risk. Apple vinegar is able to clean and smooth the blood circulation, blood pressure will return to normal.
- Prevent aches and rheumatism
Fatigue on the body signals that there is an acid compound called lactate that accumulates in the muscles of the feet and hands. Apple vinegar is believed to absorb lactic acid so your body is healthier and fresh.
- Treating Asthma.
Asthma can inhibit activity when it is recurring. Fortunately, asthma can be cured by undergoing a complete treatment program. Apple vinegar can help treat asthma by improving lung function when inhaling oxygen.
- Source of Antioxidants.
Apple vinegar is also rich in antioxidants that can increase endurance from various diseases, including preventing the growth of cancer cells. Antioxidants in apple cider are vitamin C and beta-carotene.
- Stabilizes blood sugar.
Apple vinegar can help stabilize sugar levels for people who regularly consume it so they can avoid diabetes.
Dosage of Apple Vinegar For Prostate Cancer
Although apple cider vinegar provides many benefits for people with prostate cancer but excessive use can cause various health problems. Do not consume apple vinegar over dose.
Dose of apple vinegar for patients with prostate cancer about 1/2 - 1 tablespoon. Combine apple vinegar in a glass of water and then drink immediately.
Drink apple vinegar before eating and drink plenty of water to facilitate the absorption and disposal of toxins in the body.
Apple vinegar is not a cancer drug. It is important for you to consult with your doctor and nutritionist first to avoid the adverse side effects of your body.