Cassava is known to treat bladder cancer and prostate cancer. Boiled cassava is thought to help and prevent the growth of new cancer cells in the body of the sufferer.
Boiling cassava is an easy job that does not take long. Although there is no further research on the clarity of the benefits of cassava for prostate cancer, it would not hurt if you want to consume boiled cassava.

How does cassava fight prostate cancer cells? Let's refer to the following explanation.
1. Cassava Boil Is Special Food For Cancer
Cassava contains vitamin B17 called amygdaline, a glycoside compound. Vitamin 17 extraction results are named laetrile.
Until now, laetrile compounds are often used as medicines in curing cancer by medical teams.
Vitamin B17 can facilitate the decomposition and absorption of nutrients in the body. Cassava stew often become one type of food as a special menu for cancer patients in the hospital.
2. Cassava Boil Powerful Killing Prostate Cancer Cells
Cancer cells are immature cells and have different enzymes than normal cells. If vitamin B17 merges with a normal cell enzyme, the vitamin will be broken down into 3 sugars.
Meanwhile, if vitamin B17 merges with cancer cell enzymes, the vitamin will be described in the form of 1 sugar, 1 benzaldehyde and 1 hydrocyanic acid.
Hydrocyanic acid that will form and kill cancer cells locally to complete. The efficacy of boiled cassava is almost the same as apricot seeds that also contain vitamin B17.
3. Cooperation Between Vitamin B17 and Other Vitamins In Killing Cancer Cells
In some tests in the laboratory states that vitamin B17 can work continuously and interconnected with some vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin B15, vitamin C, and vitamin E.
In addition, vitamin B17 also works with pancreatic enzymes to break down cancer cells in the body. Therefore, vitamin B17 not only attacks cancer cells directly, but also synergize with vitamins and other enzymes to remove cancer cells.
4. Cassava Boil For Anti Cancer
Vitamin B17 or glycosides in boiled cassava not only help remove prostate cancer cells, but they also prevent cancer cells from developing.
5. Other Benefits of Boiled Cassava
Some of the benefits of boiled cassava for health include:
- Source of vitamin B complex
Cassava contains vitamin B complexes including vitamin B17, vitamin B6, thiamin, pantothenic acid, folic acid, and riboflavin that help the process of red blood cell formation, protect nerve cells, support metabolism, and improve brain function.
- Cassava Contains Important Minerals
The body not only requires vitamins but also some minerals that support the body's metabolic processes. Cassava contains several important minerals such as potassium, magnesium, copper, zinc, iron, and manganese. Potassium is known to regulate the rhythm of the heartbeat and stabilize blood pressure.
- Cassava Rich in Fiber
One healthy diet is to pay attention to the fiber content in each type of food that we will eat. Fortunately, cassava has fiber content that can help digestion, prevent cholesterol and stabilize blood pressure.
Boiled cassava can provide many benefits for people with prostate cancer, but you need to pay attention to the type and how to cook properly.
Choosing a good cassava for prostate cancer treatment and how to treat it
Boiled cassava can provide many benefits for people with prostate cancer, but you need to pay attention to the type and how to cook properly.
Good cassava is fresh cassava and there are no blue stains or grayish lines.
How to boil cassava to treat prostate cancer
- Choose a nice and fresh cassava
- Boil in a pan without being closed in order for excess hydrocyanic acid to evaporate
- Avoid the use of salt or flavor enhancers to improve the efficacy of cassava.
- Avoid consuming ginger or other ginger products, at least within 8 hours.