Apparently, betel leaf is also useful for treating chronic diseases such as prostate cancer. According to research by several studies confirmed that the content of Flavonoids in betel leaves is very high and efficacious inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
Betel leaf is a plant that lives in the tropics. There are 3 types of betel leaves are distinguished from the color of the leaves, namely red betel, green betel, and black betel.

Red betel leaves are the most beneficial for the treatment of cancer, including prostate cancer, cervical cancer and breast cancer. Some cancers can be cured with red betel consumption.
The content in betel leaves are as follows.
- Flavonoids - these compounds can lower bad fats in the blood and circulate oxygen in the body
- Polyphenols - these compounds as antioxidants
- Tanin- This is an antiseptic that is capable of killing bacteria
- Eugenol - as a pain reliever
- Essential oil - to fight cancer cells
- Saponin - to ward off viruses, bacteria, and harmful germs
1. Relieves Pain
Patients with prostate cancer will feel very painful and experience prolonged depression when they are unable to resist.
Eugenol content on betel leaves will help reduce the pain. Eugenol plays a role to regulate and control pain in the patient's perceived pain.
Eating betel leaf extract will help to reduce and relieve pain periodically in cancer patients.
2. Fight Cancer Cells
In some medical treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy give a risk to cancer patients. The effects of radiation and chemotherapy will cause the patient's body condition to decrease and easily weak.
Eating betel leaves regularly will help the patient's body in the fight against cancer cells from within because the essential oil in betel leaf is able to kill cancer cells that have metastasized.
3. Antioxidants
The body of people with prostate cancer needs lots of antioxidants to counter the harmful effects of free radicals caused by air pollution and unhealthy lifestyles.
Betel leaf contains polyphenol compounds that act as antioxidants to help the treatment process by counteracting the risk of free radicals that come from cancer cells.
4. Smooth Circulation
People with prostate cancer also get poor blood circulation due to blockage when they undergo chemotherapy. This problem of blood circulation is very disturbing the process of cancer treatment that affects the results of chemotherapy.
The content of flavonoids in betel leaves is useful to overcome this problem. Therefore, the addition of a stimulant of betel leaves will help the patient's blood circulation so that oxygen can be spread throughout the body and brain.
5. Preventing Viruses
Prostate cancer treatment in the long term will disrupt the body's metabolic system, thus lowering the immune system that makes them vulnerable to viruses.
Saponin content in betel leaves is useful as counteracting viruses and bad bacteria that come from the environment.
Thus, betel leaves will be useful for the patient's body during the treatment without feeling weak body because of the possibility of virus or bacteria will attack when the body condition is not stable.
6. Lowering Stress
Patients with prostate cancer usually experience stress when they undergo treatment or will undergo surgical removal. Stressful patients are unable to control the emotions that adversely affect the outcome of treatment.
The content of flavonoids in betel will launch blood circulation that will help oxygen to the brain, heart and other organs so improve their psychological.
7. Kill Bad Bacteria
The content of tannin in betel leaf is very useful for patients with advanced prostate cancer. Tanin plays a killer of the bad bacteria that may be present when the patient's condition is very weak.
Sometimes, traditional medicine is also needed to support the medical treatment the patient is undergoing in order to optimize the healing process.
Betel leaf is one of several traditional treatment options that are very easy to find in tropical areas that have many benefits.