Cupping therapy has been frequently used in some countries in the Middle East and partly in Southeast Asia. Cupping therapy is one of the alternative treatments by removing dirty blood from the patient's body using a tool such as a cup and a fire to bleed.
Cupping therapy is now increasingly in demand by some cancer patients in the hope of getting healed by removing dirty blood that contains the disease.
Treatment of prostate cancer with cupping therapy has not been a mainstay for cancer treatment. However, cupping therapy provides a lot of useful when prostate cancer patients undergo periods of treatment such as chemotherapy and recovery.

Prostate cancer is a malignant disease that attacks the body's cells by damaging healthy tissue and spreading to certain organs. The spread can be through the bloodstream.
Cupping therapy removes dirty and toxic blood that is not working so that the spread of cancer through the bloodstream can be temporarily inhibited.
Some patients have benefited from cupping therapy as listed below:
1. Improving the Immune System
A person with prostate cancer should maintain his immune system during the treatment period especially during chemotherapy.
Cupping therapy can boost the immune system and promote healthy cell growth in order to function again. The result, the patient will pass the treatment period as well.
2. Reducing the Side Effects of Chemotherapy
Patients with cancer who undergo chemotherapy are very susceptible to side effects such as hair loss, weight loss, and weak body.
Cupping therapy can reduce the risk of radiation and chemotherapy that tends to attack normal cells. Cupping therapy can also reduce nausea and vomiting in patients after surgery.
3. Balancing Energy
Cupping therapy is believed to help cancer treatment by strengthening the energy to keep the body in good health. Withdrawal of blood is done by stimulating certain points on the body where energy can be gathered and flowing. The result, the energy will easily flow to all parts of the body so healthy again and balanced.
4. Remove the poison
The main benefits of cupping therapy is to remove toxins from the blood, cleanse the blood from the residue, and remove dead blood cells. In general, the health of the body is affected by healthy blood cell count. Healthy and clean blood cells from toxins will help speed up recovery of cancer patients.
5. Supports New Cell Regeneration
Cupping therapy can help remove toxins and drug residues consumed by cancer patients. If your blood is clean from chemistry then there will be increased production of red blood cells by the bone marrow and improve the function of organs (stomach, lungs, heart, and colon). Healthy blood cells will help other organs to regenerate new cells and balance health.
6. Blood Flow Run
Disposing of malfunctioning dirty blood may help the flow of healthy blood to be more fluent. With a smooth blood flow, the pathogenic clumps will disappear and can restore balance between body parts so that it works well again.
7. Reduce Emotional Level
Psychologists of prostate cancer patients tend to change at any time due to the hormonal system that does not work optimally due to the influence of certain drugs.
Cupping therapy can smooth the flow of blood so that patients feel more calm and relaxed. A stable emotional level will speed the healing process.
Throwing dirty blood can affect the metabolism of serotonin or neurotransmitters (chemicals in the brain) that help the patient's body to be more relaxed.
8. Reducing Dose of Certain Drugs
Patients with prostate cancer who undergo regular cupping therapy and appropriate period of treatment will help reduce the drug dose.
The dose of the drug is an analgesic or pain reliever. Cupping therapy can relieve pain after dirty blood that is not functioning removed from the body part affected by cancer cells. Cupping can also be used in conjunction with other palliative treatments to reduce pain.
Cupping therapy is also a treatment option for other diseases such as blood pressure (high and low), pectoral diseases, heart abnormalities, and respiratory diseases
The benefits of cancer treatment with cupping therapy is no side effects. In addition, drugs can be reduced so that the risk of drug residues can be minimized.
Meanwhile, the side effects of bruise therapy are pain during blood removal so that patients with low blood pressure will be weak for a time.