Avoid 4 Foods These Or You're At Risk Of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a major health threat to men today. Cancer that attacks this vital male component is indeed terrible. Unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking, lack of exercise, and the high consumption of carcinogenic foods can place men at high risk for prostate cancer.

Quoted from boldsky.com, it turns out there are some foods that can make men at high risk of this disease. Anything? Here is the list.

Red meat

Those who consume red meat in large quantities are known to have a high risk for prostate cancer. The reason is when meat is cooked with high temperatures, then there are internal reactions that occur and create chemicals that will make the risk of prostate cancer increases. Therefore, men are advised to limit consumption of red meat only 3 ounces per week.

Red Meat And Risk Prostate Cancer


Milk consumption is known to reduce levels of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 in the body. In fact, this molecule is known to actively protect men from developing prostate cancer cells.

Zinc supplements

According to research Novel Role OF Zinc In The Regulation Of Prostate Citrate Metabolism And Its Implication In Prostate Cancer, it is said that men should not take zinc supplements more than 100 mg every day. Because this can increase their risk for prostate cancer.


Did you know that consuming more than 20 glasses of alcohol per week will put you at high risk for prostate cancer? Therefore say goodbye to this drink.

In addition to staying away from the food above, you also have to start exercising regularly to prevent you from obesity which is also able to make you at high risk of prostate cancer

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