Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor that attacks the prostate gland in the male reproductive system, located beneath the bladder and surrounding the urethra, the top of the tube that secretes urine from the bladder.

Graviola Prostate Cancer Testimonials
Prostate cancer may spread (metastasis) to nearby tissue or spine. If the cancer has been spreads to the spine, you will feel pain in the spinal cord, there are bloods in urine when you micturition.
Mr. Haryanto's testimony
Mr. Sri Haryanto, the owner of the "Anugrah Agung Clinic" in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, his prostate cancer has been deflated after undergoing laser therapy, drinking white turmeric, and consuming tea graviola routine.
"I am always going to bathroom starting at 9 pm. I pee more 5 times in one night. I feel very suffer and not take it anymore. I'm go to check up in nearby hospital for catheters at 02.00 am morning. After catheter, I feel more comfortable. However, at next night, I could not urinary again.
After 4 days, my body is not improves; I am visit a doctor again. The result of second check up, my prostate gland had been swelled up to 2.5 times. The swelling has been blocking my urinary tract. I am positive with prostate cancer.
Because my age 70 years, the doctor does not provide treatment options other than laser therapy.
I'm waiting for vigilant stage. From some books that I read, only 2 out of 10 people who successfully underwent therapy for it.
In addition to therapy, doctors also give drugs for me to eat 3 times a day. I'm just undergoing the laser therapy 2 times in 3 months interval where each for 1 hour.
Along with medical treatment by doctors, I’m taking traditional medicine too. I'm drinking the white turmeric to smooth of urination; I also consuming the leaves graviola stew.
During the undergoing laser therapy, I also consuming 300 cc of graviola juice between 6 pm – 7 pm for 3 months, routinely
"My hope, all contents in graviola soursop will react during nighttime. Graviola leaf was able to solidify my stamina and remove toxins from my body. As a result, prostate cancer has been deflated and I get back with normal micturition again" said Mr. Haryanto.
Andi's testimony
Andi Emanto (74), a swallow bird development consultant, he is having trouble going to pee. He felt pain when urinating, the urine not well with long intervals. He must get up 4-5 times to pee at every night.
Before, I'm think that I just suffering the cylisis (post void dribbling). Nevertheless, 2 months later, impaired urination is not go away. I'm is not able to withstand the pain again and then I go to check up to hospital in Surabaya, East Java.
I'm undergoing ultrasound, biopsy and blood tests. The examination result, the doctor diagnose that I'am has been positive with prostate cancer. The value of PSA (prostate specific antigen) reached 40.
Doctors say, My prostate cancer has entered to grade II. For remove the blockage, doctors just did a prostate resection (Transurethral resection of the prostate - TURP)
I was suffering from prostate swelling. When prostate enlarging, they will be pressing the urethra so that difficult to pee and pile up in the bladder.
According to urologist, Dr. Ahmad Bi Utomo SPU, in Surakarta, Central Java, the resection just act to smooth when someone to pee. After resection, I'm could piss smoothly. But a few months later, I'm experience of urinary disorder again.
In October 2010, I am visit Dr Zainal Gani in Malang, East Java. Dr. Zainal prescribes capsule graviola for me, 3 capsules for 3 times a day on a regular basis. Doctors also recommend for healthy lifestyle and avoiding eating meat such as beef, mutton, and chicken.
After two months I consuming capsule graviola routine, I feel my piss become smoothly and without pain again.
Mr. Aryono's testimony
Mr. Aryono's prostate cancer was in stage 4. The following Mr. Aryono's story on his struggle to against the prostate cancer metastasis until cured.
"Since diagnosed by doctor that I'm suffering prostate cancer bone metastases at 10 months ago, I always try to get information about alternative treatment, besides I undergoing to medical treatment too.
By searching on internet and get of experience from person's cancer other, I decided to consume the graviola soursop leaves for treat my prostate cancer.
To make ends that I need, I'm buying some graviola tree. Now, I have12 graviola tree at my home. Sometimes, if it is not sufficient for I needs, I take the graviola soursop leaves from neighboring.
You can read on the internet in how to make graviola leaves stew, I consuming 2 glasses of graviola leaves per day on a regular basis, until now.
I'm get a true information on how to handle the graviola soursop leaves when I attended a seminar "Taman Buah Mekar Sari" February 2011, graviola soursop extract do not stored in excess of 12 hours, if storing over 12 hours, they are become stale and unpalatable.
Besides consuming graviola tea, I also take juice graviola without sugar. According to valid information, if you want add sugar, choosing palm sugar and don't choose the granulated sugar.
I feel that my body becomes warmer and my stamina is increase because effects of graviola tea drink. I often feel thirsty at night and not hungry.
Since 3 months ago, my doctor stopped the hormone therapy that I undergoing for a while, the doctor just monitor my PSA levels (Marker for prostate) to not over 4, and since 3 months ago I was more depend on graviola tea compared with other therapies.
Changes now in my body self is the black hair that growing on my head. I don't know what is this reaction from consuming leaves graviola.
I believe that leaves graviola gives for me some positive effects in fight against to prostate cancer cells and I hope in the next times I could maintain the PSA level in normal range, "said Mr. Aryono, Bogor, Indonesia, person with prostate cancer metastasis stage 4. (Reporter Trubus Magazine)
How to Use Graviola for Prostate Cancer
"On the leaves too young, not much acetogenins formed. While on the leaves that are too old, the quality of acetogenins are reduced, "said Dr. Hamida MKes, college teacher of Biology at the Airlangga University.
How to make the leaves graviola for cancer treatment? Mr. Aryono said, according to Miss. Titah, we inform that to get 1 glass of soursop leaf by boiling the fresh leaf of 11 sheet.
Add 3 cups of water and then boiling for +/-3 hours in stainless steel pan or pots clay into 1-cup water; boil it with a small flame.
May be a hassle for you, because we make the herb at 10 or 11 p.m and finished at 1- 2 a.m.
I drink 1 glass of leaves graviola in the morning and 1 glass at night on a regular basis.
Is taste of graviola leaf? Juice the leaves of soursop graviola is similar to flavor of tea, little bitter and bland.
For those of you who want simple way, you can buy graviola leaf capsules or graviola tea powder via online.
If you delay time drink, save the herb in the fridge, do not stored more than 12 hours because they would be stale.
How to get maximum results treatment? To get optimal treatment results, you are consuming the herb regularly and scheduled.
I consume the graviola leaves started 10 months ago and I feel all benefits for me. For others person, I don't know. We remain on medical therapy to improve cancer treatment.
Are side effects of graviola treatments?
Up to now, after +/-10 months I consume the herb graviola, I get no side effects and test results from the lab have shown that none affects the function of my body such as uric acid, cholesterol, creatinin etc.
We feel a positive effect, but not necessarily give the same effect to other people. Our hope, you also get the positive effects from the graviola leaves as we feel. Multiply the reading of literature and valid reference to obtain accurate information.
Many people consider garviola cancer is hoax, what do you think?
We must understand that the reaction of the alternative treatments depends on the condition of each individual. Body condition of the patient is different though the same type of illness. Therefore, handling and dosage of treament is different, depending on the conditions at last/spread of cancer cells, weight, and age.
Besides, we have to remove the residue of disease and the drugs intake where we eat every day via the detoxification process, all that will be waste of body where the natural exhaust system on our body get disruptions due to the disease itself.
Acetogenins compounds in leaves soursop/graviola is very selective to target and kill cancer cells without damaging healthy cells.
Acetogenins just attack cancer cells by inhibiting the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) as an energy source to cancer cells.
Cancer cells divide very fast at every 2 – 5 hours; whereas normal cells are only 7-14 days. The cell divisions need big energy from ATP.
The low energy supplies will inhibit the ATP production so that will cause apoptosis cells.