7 Ways To Solve Your Prostate Problems

The problem of the prostate gland is becoming common nowadays. Generally these health problems occur due to inflammation of the prostate gland caused by infection, bacterial transmission, until prostate enlargement. Not infrequently, the problem of prostate gland ends with prostate cancer. Of course it is very dangerous for men.

Solve Prostate Problems

Here is the simplest way to cure prostate problems early on as quoted from boldsky.com.


Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants called lycopene. This powerful antioxidant substance can reduce prostate enlargement and reduce the risk of prostate cancer by killing cancer-causing cells. If you have difficulty urinating, then eating tomatoes can also launch your urination.

Warm water

Not many know that a warm bath is also able to treat prostate problems. Because warm temperatures will treat killing bacteria that cause prostate problems and reduce prostate pain.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds contain phytosterols that can reduce the level of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) that causes prostate enlargement. Eating pumpkin seeds is also able to reduce urinary problems associated with prostatitis.

Green tea

Like tomatoes, green tea is also high in antioxidants. This substance will reduce prostate pain, reduce the burning sensation, and control your urination.

Basil leaves

Not many know that the basil leaves can reduce the swelling of the prostate gland and reduce inflammation because it has anti-inflammatory substances.

Watermelon seeds

Not only the flesh alone, watermelon seeds are also powerful to treat prostate disease because of high antioxidant content in it. You can take the watermelon seeds and then boil them and drink the water.

Sesame seeds

Despite having a small shape, sesame seeds have great benefits for treating the prostate. Sesame seeds prevent enlargement and prostate cancer because it has anti-inflammatory properties.

Prostate problems include one silent killer for men. Therefore if you have prostate problems early on, immediately heal the above simple way

4 Foods That Against Prostate Enlargement

As people age, men should be more vigilant about their reproductive health. According to a University of Maryland Medical Center report, nearly 90 percent of men 85 years of age or older have urinary problems due to prostate enlargement.

You can treat this condition with medication or medical procedures, but if you want to try something more natural, you can try to change your diet or use herbal products. Here are some good foods to fight the enlargement of the prostate, as reported by Livestrong.com.

4 Foods That Against Prostate Enlargement

1. Beta-sitosterol

Beta-sitosterol is a chemical compound found in plants, which can help overcome urinary problems in men with prostate enlargement. Beta-sitosterol can also help lower cholesterol levels in the body. You can find these compounds in pumpkin seeds.

2. Zinc

MayoClinic.com says that zinc-rich foods can also help men who suffer from prostate enlargement. If you want to try to increase your daily intake of zinc, put these foods into your diet: lean beef, duck, lamb, oysters, crabs, and baked beans.

3. Vegetables Contains Vitamin C

You can also consider eating more vegetables containing vitamin C. Add the following healthy foods in your daily menu: peppers, peas, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, cabbage. MayoClinic.com notes that while vitamin C from vegetables is said to reduce the risk of prostate enlargement, intake of high-vitamin C fruit did not have the same effect.

4 Avoid caffeine!

If you have an enlarged prostate, you should also consider cutting off the consumption of caffeinated beverages and foods from your daily menu. Caffeine acts like a diuretic in the body, which will increase urine production. It can worsen the condition you are experiencing because of prostate enlargement. For the same reason, avoid alcohol.

The Dogs Can Detect Prostate Cancer More Accurate 93 percent Compared Medical Screening

Now, humans can ask animals for help to diagnose certain diseases, especially cancer. Animals are now often used to diagnose cancer is a dog.

These dogs have been specially trained to detect prostate cancer with an accuracy rate of up to 93 percent - much higher than current testing methods.

As reported by the Daily Mail (8/8), cancer screening done by this dog will be available to men for free, at least in two locations in the UK within three years.

Labrador And Prostate Cancer

This exercise involves nine dogs including six labrador, two spaniels and Hungarian vizsla, they have undergone six months training to detect the smell of cancer.

They will assess a sample of 3,000 patients to check for prostate cancer, as well as kidney and bladder tumors. When they suspect the sample is cancerous, they have been taught to sit upright, still and alert. Conversely, if a given sample is not cancer, they will just pass through it.

The trial is being run by the internationally renowned charity, Medical Detection Dogs and Milton Keynes Hospital - NHS. The researchers hope this will prove that dogs are far more effective in detecting prostate cancer than the standard screening that medical scientists rely on today.

Capsain In Chili Can Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk

Scientists have found compounds in chili that can kill prostate cancer cells. Capsaicin is a compound that gives a spicy sensation to chili.

At a sufficiently high dose, capsaicin is able to attract the membrane, triggering cancer cells to "Apoptosis". By figuring out the workings of these compounds, experts hope they can take advantage of them and turn them into a pill or injections to treat prostate cancer.

Chili Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk

There are more than 1.1 million cases of prostate cancer recorded in 2012, according to data at the World Cancer Research Fund. Studies published in Cancer Research have shown that the capsain compound can reduce the size of tumors in genetically modified rats to have human prostate cancer cells.

In addition to killing prostate cancer cells, capsaicin may also reduce the risk of bowel cancer. Capsaicin triggers pain receptors in cells that line the intestine, which reduces the risk of developing colorectal tumors.

Drinking Coffee Can Prevent Prostate Cancer At 53 Percent

Coffee is a drink often consumed by men in the morning. Caffeine content in the coffee will increase the body's adrenal hormones and make the eyes so literate and easy to focus the mind.

A study quoted from boldsky.com, found one more benefit of drinking coffee for men who are diligent to drink coffee can prevent them from prostate cancer attacks in the future.

Coffee Prevent Prostate Cancer

"These results are known after observing 7000 Italian men with their coffee drinking habits," said George Pounis, a research fellow at the Institute for Research, Hospitalisation And Health Care (IRCCS) Neuromed in Pozzilli, Italy. who drank coffee at least 3 cups a day - a risk reduction for prostate cancer.

"We found that caffeine extract in coffee can reduce proliferation of prostate cancer cells, so we believe that this habit will reduce the risk of men suffering from the disease," he continued.

"Italian men blend their coffee with high water, high pressure and unfiltered temperatures, which leads to higher concentrations of bioactive substances in coffee, making coffee more healthful and a coffee enthusiast around the world and benefiting Same healthy, "he concluded.

Avoid 4 Foods These Or You're At Risk Of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a major health threat to men today. Cancer that attacks this vital male component is indeed terrible. Unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking, lack of exercise, and the high consumption of carcinogenic foods can place men at high risk for prostate cancer.

Quoted from boldsky.com, it turns out there are some foods that can make men at high risk of this disease. Anything? Here is the list.

Red meat

Those who consume red meat in large quantities are known to have a high risk for prostate cancer. The reason is when meat is cooked with high temperatures, then there are internal reactions that occur and create chemicals that will make the risk of prostate cancer increases. Therefore, men are advised to limit consumption of red meat only 3 ounces per week.

Red Meat And Risk Prostate Cancer


Milk consumption is known to reduce levels of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 in the body. In fact, this molecule is known to actively protect men from developing prostate cancer cells.

Zinc supplements

According to research Novel Role OF Zinc In The Regulation Of Prostate Citrate Metabolism And Its Implication In Prostate Cancer, it is said that men should not take zinc supplements more than 100 mg every day. Because this can increase their risk for prostate cancer.


Did you know that consuming more than 20 glasses of alcohol per week will put you at high risk for prostate cancer? Therefore say goodbye to this drink.

In addition to staying away from the food above, you also have to start exercising regularly to prevent you from obesity which is also able to make you at high risk of prostate cancer

Clinical Trials Diet Calcium to Treat Prostate Cancer

What is the role of calcium for the body? Calcium is a mineral that is necessary for basic blood vessels, muscles, nerve function, signaling from cell to cell, and hormone release. The body stores calcium especially in bone tissue. Natural calcium is present in some foods added from the food eaten.

The main source of calcium in a healthy diet is from edible food and dietary supplements. About a third of calcium comes from milk and dairy products such as cheese and yogurt.

Vegetable calcium sources include cabbage, kale, and broccoli. Spinach contains calcium but is hardly absorbed properly by the body. Foods with added calcium include fruit juice, tofu, and cereals.

Most scientists have studied and examined the effects of calcium on the risk of prostate cancer.

Diet Calcium to Treat Prostate Cancer

Calcium Test In The Treatment Of Prostate Cancer

In a 2011 study, patients with prostate cancer cells were treated with cow's milk, almond milk, soy milk, casein, or lactose.

- The growth of prostate cancer cells (LNCaP) is stimulated when treated with cow's milk.
- Treatment with soy milk does not affect the growth of prostate cancer cells.
- Treatment with almond milk therapy slows the growth of prostate cancer cells.

Study of calcium in animal test

Some rat test animals suffering from prostate cancer are fed a diet low in calcium and a diet high in calcium. The growth of prostate cancer was found to be similar in mice given either low or high in calcium.

Dietary vitamin D and calcium were also studied in mice injected with prostate cancer cells (including high calcium diet plus vitamin D and normal non-vitamin D calcium).

The mice that received normal non-vitamin D calcium had more prostate cancer growth than other dietary mice.

Studies are also being applied from humans in different parts of the world to find out if there is a connection between dairy products, calcium, and the risk of prostate cancer.

Population study

Population studies are intended to look for risk factors and ways to control disease in large groups of people.

Population studies of dairy products, calcium, and prostate cancer risk have shown mixed results. These studies may be difficult to interpret because other major nutrients in dairy products, such as fat, and factors such as age and body mass index have not been taken into account.

Overall, studies show that high calcium intake may be associated with an increased risk of prostate and metastatic cancer compared with lower calcium counts.

More studies are needed about the effects of calcium or milk products on the risk of prostate cancer and how these effects develop in the body.

Clinical trials of calcium to prevent prostate cancer

In a randomized clinical trial reported in 2005, men were given calcium (1200 mg / day) and placebo for 4 years and followed for 12 years.

During the first 6 years of the study, there were fewer cases of prostate cancer in the calcium group compared with the placebo group.

After 10 years, it seems, there was no significant difference in the number of prostate cancers in the calcium group compared with the placebo group.

Reviews from many studies are combined

Reviews from many joint studies show mixed findings on whether consuming calcium and dairy products affect the risk of prostate cancer:

A th 2005 review of many studies found a possible association between an increased risk of prostate cancer and a diet high in dairy and calcium products.

A 2008 review of 45 observational studies found no association between consuming dairy products and the risk of prostate cancer.

A cohort study review published between 1996 and 2006 found that consuming milk and dairy products increased the risk of prostate cancer.

Reviews in th 2013 for the US Preventive Services Task Force found that taking Vitamin D and / or calcium supplements did not show overall effects on cancer rates or deaths from cancer, including prostate cancer.

A 2015 review of 32 cohort studies found that consuming high amounts of milk, low-fat milk, cheese, calcium, and calcium milk may increase the risk of prostate cancer.


Of all analyzes, calcium and non-milk calcium supplements have not or are not associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer. Calcium supplements are associated with an increased risk of death from prostate cancer, further research is still needed.

Is calcium approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use as a cancer treatment in the United States? Currently, the FDA has not approved the use of calcium as a treatment for cancer or other medical conditions.

Calcium supplements are products intended to be added to the diet. It is not categorized as medicine and is not intended to treat, prevent, or cure prostate disease.

Taking natural vegetable calcium sources is an appropriate decision for alternative treatments of prostate cancer, including calcium from cabbage, kale, broccoli, soy milk, and almond milk.

7 Ways To Solve Your Prostate Problems

The problem of the prostate gland is becoming common nowadays. Generally these health problems occur due to inflammation of the prostate gla...