7 Ways To Solve Your Prostate Problems

The problem of the prostate gland is becoming common nowadays. Generally these health problems occur due to inflammation of the prostate gland caused by infection, bacterial transmission, until prostate enlargement. Not infrequently, the problem of prostate gland ends with prostate cancer. Of course it is very dangerous for men.

Solve Prostate Problems

Here is the simplest way to cure prostate problems early on as quoted from boldsky.com.


Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants called lycopene. This powerful antioxidant substance can reduce prostate enlargement and reduce the risk of prostate cancer by killing cancer-causing cells. If you have difficulty urinating, then eating tomatoes can also launch your urination.

Warm water

Not many know that a warm bath is also able to treat prostate problems. Because warm temperatures will treat killing bacteria that cause prostate problems and reduce prostate pain.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds contain phytosterols that can reduce the level of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) that causes prostate enlargement. Eating pumpkin seeds is also able to reduce urinary problems associated with prostatitis.

Green tea

Like tomatoes, green tea is also high in antioxidants. This substance will reduce prostate pain, reduce the burning sensation, and control your urination.

Basil leaves

Not many know that the basil leaves can reduce the swelling of the prostate gland and reduce inflammation because it has anti-inflammatory substances.

Watermelon seeds

Not only the flesh alone, watermelon seeds are also powerful to treat prostate disease because of high antioxidant content in it. You can take the watermelon seeds and then boil them and drink the water.

Sesame seeds

Despite having a small shape, sesame seeds have great benefits for treating the prostate. Sesame seeds prevent enlargement and prostate cancer because it has anti-inflammatory properties.

Prostate problems include one silent killer for men. Therefore if you have prostate problems early on, immediately heal the above simple way

4 Foods That Against Prostate Enlargement

As people age, men should be more vigilant about their reproductive health. According to a University of Maryland Medical Center report, nearly 90 percent of men 85 years of age or older have urinary problems due to prostate enlargement.

You can treat this condition with medication or medical procedures, but if you want to try something more natural, you can try to change your diet or use herbal products. Here are some good foods to fight the enlargement of the prostate, as reported by Livestrong.com.

4 Foods That Against Prostate Enlargement

1. Beta-sitosterol

Beta-sitosterol is a chemical compound found in plants, which can help overcome urinary problems in men with prostate enlargement. Beta-sitosterol can also help lower cholesterol levels in the body. You can find these compounds in pumpkin seeds.

2. Zinc

MayoClinic.com says that zinc-rich foods can also help men who suffer from prostate enlargement. If you want to try to increase your daily intake of zinc, put these foods into your diet: lean beef, duck, lamb, oysters, crabs, and baked beans.

3. Vegetables Contains Vitamin C

You can also consider eating more vegetables containing vitamin C. Add the following healthy foods in your daily menu: peppers, peas, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, cabbage. MayoClinic.com notes that while vitamin C from vegetables is said to reduce the risk of prostate enlargement, intake of high-vitamin C fruit did not have the same effect.

4 Avoid caffeine!

If you have an enlarged prostate, you should also consider cutting off the consumption of caffeinated beverages and foods from your daily menu. Caffeine acts like a diuretic in the body, which will increase urine production. It can worsen the condition you are experiencing because of prostate enlargement. For the same reason, avoid alcohol.

The Dogs Can Detect Prostate Cancer More Accurate 93 percent Compared Medical Screening

Now, humans can ask animals for help to diagnose certain diseases, especially cancer. Animals are now often used to diagnose cancer is a dog.

These dogs have been specially trained to detect prostate cancer with an accuracy rate of up to 93 percent - much higher than current testing methods.

As reported by the Daily Mail (8/8), cancer screening done by this dog will be available to men for free, at least in two locations in the UK within three years.

Labrador And Prostate Cancer

This exercise involves nine dogs including six labrador, two spaniels and Hungarian vizsla, they have undergone six months training to detect the smell of cancer.

They will assess a sample of 3,000 patients to check for prostate cancer, as well as kidney and bladder tumors. When they suspect the sample is cancerous, they have been taught to sit upright, still and alert. Conversely, if a given sample is not cancer, they will just pass through it.

The trial is being run by the internationally renowned charity, Medical Detection Dogs and Milton Keynes Hospital - NHS. The researchers hope this will prove that dogs are far more effective in detecting prostate cancer than the standard screening that medical scientists rely on today.

Capsain In Chili Can Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk

Scientists have found compounds in chili that can kill prostate cancer cells. Capsaicin is a compound that gives a spicy sensation to chili.

At a sufficiently high dose, capsaicin is able to attract the membrane, triggering cancer cells to "Apoptosis". By figuring out the workings of these compounds, experts hope they can take advantage of them and turn them into a pill or injections to treat prostate cancer.

Chili Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk

There are more than 1.1 million cases of prostate cancer recorded in 2012, according to data at the World Cancer Research Fund. Studies published in Cancer Research have shown that the capsain compound can reduce the size of tumors in genetically modified rats to have human prostate cancer cells.

In addition to killing prostate cancer cells, capsaicin may also reduce the risk of bowel cancer. Capsaicin triggers pain receptors in cells that line the intestine, which reduces the risk of developing colorectal tumors.

Drinking Coffee Can Prevent Prostate Cancer At 53 Percent

Coffee is a drink often consumed by men in the morning. Caffeine content in the coffee will increase the body's adrenal hormones and make the eyes so literate and easy to focus the mind.

A study quoted from boldsky.com, found one more benefit of drinking coffee for men who are diligent to drink coffee can prevent them from prostate cancer attacks in the future.

Coffee Prevent Prostate Cancer

"These results are known after observing 7000 Italian men with their coffee drinking habits," said George Pounis, a research fellow at the Institute for Research, Hospitalisation And Health Care (IRCCS) Neuromed in Pozzilli, Italy. who drank coffee at least 3 cups a day - a risk reduction for prostate cancer.

"We found that caffeine extract in coffee can reduce proliferation of prostate cancer cells, so we believe that this habit will reduce the risk of men suffering from the disease," he continued.

"Italian men blend their coffee with high water, high pressure and unfiltered temperatures, which leads to higher concentrations of bioactive substances in coffee, making coffee more healthful and a coffee enthusiast around the world and benefiting Same healthy, "he concluded.

Avoid 4 Foods These Or You're At Risk Of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a major health threat to men today. Cancer that attacks this vital male component is indeed terrible. Unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking, lack of exercise, and the high consumption of carcinogenic foods can place men at high risk for prostate cancer.

Quoted from boldsky.com, it turns out there are some foods that can make men at high risk of this disease. Anything? Here is the list.

Red meat

Those who consume red meat in large quantities are known to have a high risk for prostate cancer. The reason is when meat is cooked with high temperatures, then there are internal reactions that occur and create chemicals that will make the risk of prostate cancer increases. Therefore, men are advised to limit consumption of red meat only 3 ounces per week.

Red Meat And Risk Prostate Cancer


Milk consumption is known to reduce levels of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 in the body. In fact, this molecule is known to actively protect men from developing prostate cancer cells.

Zinc supplements

According to research Novel Role OF Zinc In The Regulation Of Prostate Citrate Metabolism And Its Implication In Prostate Cancer, it is said that men should not take zinc supplements more than 100 mg every day. Because this can increase their risk for prostate cancer.


Did you know that consuming more than 20 glasses of alcohol per week will put you at high risk for prostate cancer? Therefore say goodbye to this drink.

In addition to staying away from the food above, you also have to start exercising regularly to prevent you from obesity which is also able to make you at high risk of prostate cancer

Clinical Trials Diet Calcium to Treat Prostate Cancer

What is the role of calcium for the body? Calcium is a mineral that is necessary for basic blood vessels, muscles, nerve function, signaling from cell to cell, and hormone release. The body stores calcium especially in bone tissue. Natural calcium is present in some foods added from the food eaten.

The main source of calcium in a healthy diet is from edible food and dietary supplements. About a third of calcium comes from milk and dairy products such as cheese and yogurt.

Vegetable calcium sources include cabbage, kale, and broccoli. Spinach contains calcium but is hardly absorbed properly by the body. Foods with added calcium include fruit juice, tofu, and cereals.

Most scientists have studied and examined the effects of calcium on the risk of prostate cancer.

Diet Calcium to Treat Prostate Cancer

Calcium Test In The Treatment Of Prostate Cancer

In a 2011 study, patients with prostate cancer cells were treated with cow's milk, almond milk, soy milk, casein, or lactose.

- The growth of prostate cancer cells (LNCaP) is stimulated when treated with cow's milk.
- Treatment with soy milk does not affect the growth of prostate cancer cells.
- Treatment with almond milk therapy slows the growth of prostate cancer cells.

Study of calcium in animal test

Some rat test animals suffering from prostate cancer are fed a diet low in calcium and a diet high in calcium. The growth of prostate cancer was found to be similar in mice given either low or high in calcium.

Dietary vitamin D and calcium were also studied in mice injected with prostate cancer cells (including high calcium diet plus vitamin D and normal non-vitamin D calcium).

The mice that received normal non-vitamin D calcium had more prostate cancer growth than other dietary mice.

Studies are also being applied from humans in different parts of the world to find out if there is a connection between dairy products, calcium, and the risk of prostate cancer.

Population study

Population studies are intended to look for risk factors and ways to control disease in large groups of people.

Population studies of dairy products, calcium, and prostate cancer risk have shown mixed results. These studies may be difficult to interpret because other major nutrients in dairy products, such as fat, and factors such as age and body mass index have not been taken into account.

Overall, studies show that high calcium intake may be associated with an increased risk of prostate and metastatic cancer compared with lower calcium counts.

More studies are needed about the effects of calcium or milk products on the risk of prostate cancer and how these effects develop in the body.

Clinical trials of calcium to prevent prostate cancer

In a randomized clinical trial reported in 2005, men were given calcium (1200 mg / day) and placebo for 4 years and followed for 12 years.

During the first 6 years of the study, there were fewer cases of prostate cancer in the calcium group compared with the placebo group.

After 10 years, it seems, there was no significant difference in the number of prostate cancers in the calcium group compared with the placebo group.

Reviews from many studies are combined

Reviews from many joint studies show mixed findings on whether consuming calcium and dairy products affect the risk of prostate cancer:

A th 2005 review of many studies found a possible association between an increased risk of prostate cancer and a diet high in dairy and calcium products.

A 2008 review of 45 observational studies found no association between consuming dairy products and the risk of prostate cancer.

A cohort study review published between 1996 and 2006 found that consuming milk and dairy products increased the risk of prostate cancer.

Reviews in th 2013 for the US Preventive Services Task Force found that taking Vitamin D and / or calcium supplements did not show overall effects on cancer rates or deaths from cancer, including prostate cancer.

A 2015 review of 32 cohort studies found that consuming high amounts of milk, low-fat milk, cheese, calcium, and calcium milk may increase the risk of prostate cancer.


Of all analyzes, calcium and non-milk calcium supplements have not or are not associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer. Calcium supplements are associated with an increased risk of death from prostate cancer, further research is still needed.

Is calcium approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use as a cancer treatment in the United States? Currently, the FDA has not approved the use of calcium as a treatment for cancer or other medical conditions.

Calcium supplements are products intended to be added to the diet. It is not categorized as medicine and is not intended to treat, prevent, or cure prostate disease.

Taking natural vegetable calcium sources is an appropriate decision for alternative treatments of prostate cancer, including calcium from cabbage, kale, broccoli, soy milk, and almond milk.

Diet Selenium for Prevention and Treatment of Prostate Cancer

What is selenium? Selenium is a mineral and nutrient is very important for humans, plays a lot for the body functions, including reproduction and immunity, usually found in proteins. Selenium is stored in the thyroid gland, liver, pancreas, pituitary gland, and kidney.

Selenium source foods include meat, vegetables, and legumes. The amount of selenium found in food depends on the level of selenium from the soil in which it grows.

Selenium is found in an enzyme called glutathione peroxidase that acts as an antioxidant. However, in high quantities, selenium can act as a pro-oxidant (a substance that can make oxygen byproducts that can damage cells).

Over selenium can play a role in many diseases, including cancer. Research on animals and populations has suggested that selenium diet supplementation may reduce cancer risk.

Diet Selenium for Prostate Cancer

The results of the NPC (Nutritional Prevention of Cancer) study showed that, although the selenium diet did not affect the risk of skin cancer, it decreased the risk of lung, colorectal, and prostate cancer.

However, research on how the level of selenium in the blood affects the risk of developing prostate cancer has shown mixed results.

The study cautions caution against the use of selenium supplements between men and prostate cancer, and other studies have concluded that men should avoid selenium supplementation at higher doses of recommended dietary intake.

Clinical trials of prostate cancer prevention with selenium diet

A study in rats aimed to see the effects of selenium dietary prostate cancer prevention began at different ages.

Adult rats and young rats were fed enriched selenium diet and diet without selenium for 6 months or 4 weeks and then injected with prostate cancer cells.

Adult rats with selenium in food, they developed fewer secondary tumors than adult rats with non selenium diets. However, in young mice, selenium in the diet has no effect on tumor development.

Strain mice with prostate cancer are treated like human cancers and treated with 2 forms of selenium, MSeA and methylselenocysteine ​​(msec), or water alone.

In selenium-treated mice, the growth of precancerous lesions is slowed and cancer cell death increases compared with mice treated with water alone.

Clinical trials of prostate cancer treatment

Clinical trials of selenium effects on prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels or prostate cancer progression have shown mixed results, including the following:

In a study reported in 2013, men at high risk of prostate cancer were given a daily high dose of selenium yeast (200 mg or 400 mg) and placebo for up to 5 years.

As a result, there was no difference in prostate cancer or PSA rates in men taking selenium supplements compared with those taking only placebo.

Another study involving 4,459 people was diagnosed with prostate cancer that has not spread. The study found that taking selenium supplements (140 or more ug / day) after diagnosis could increase the risk of death from prostate cancer and recommended that men with prostate cancer use caution in taking selenium supplements.

Combination of Selenium and Vitamin E

This is a major clinical trial started by the National Institutes of Health in 2001 to study the effects of selenium and / or vitamin E on the development of prostate cancer. More than 35,000 men, aged 50 years and older, were randomly assigned to receive one of the following combinations daily for 7-12 years:

- Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol acetate, 400 IU / day) and placebo;
- Selenium (L-selenomethionine, 200 mcg / day) and placebo;
- Vitamin E and selenium

Recent results in 2011 showed that selenium supplement diet had little effect on prostate cancer risk. However, men taking vitamin E alone had a 17 percent increased risk of prostate cancer.

Several factors may affect the results of the study, including the dose of vitamin E selected and the selenium form used.

The authors concluded that men should avoid selenium supplementation at high doses rather than the recommended dietary intake.

How many selenium doses in prostate cancer diet?

Selenium can be consumed in diet or taken in dietary supplements. For adults, the recommended daily allowance for selenium is no more than 55 mg / day. Various forms of selenium have been shown to slow the growth and spread of prostate cancer cells.

Side effects of the selenium diet

Selenium supplements have been tolerated in many clinical trials. Patients are monitored and given a certain dosage in clinical trials. In several published trials, no differences were reported regarding adverse events.

However, the use of selenium supplements (200 mg daily) was associated with a slightly increased risk of diabetes mellitus. The FDA has not yet approved the use of selenium supplements for the treatment or prevention of prostate cancer or other medical conditions.

Source : http://www.webmd.com/prostate-cancer

Sipuleucel-T Vaccine To Treat Prostate Cancer And Side Effects

Treatment of prostate cancer with Sipuleucel-T vaccine therapy includes immunotherapy designed to enhance the body's natural defenses against cancer.

Sipuleucel-T is customized for each patient. Before treatment, blood is removed from the patient in a process called leukapheresis.

Specific immune cells are separated from the blood taken by the patient, then modified in the laboratory, then put back into the patient's body. At this point, the patient's immune system will recognize and destroy prostate cancer cells.

It is difficult to know if this treatment works effectively to treat cancer because it has not been shown to shrink tumors, lower PSA levels, or control cancer from getting worse.

Sipuleucel-T Vaccine  Therapy

However, results from clinical trials have shown that prostate cancer treatment with sipuleucel-T vaccine therapy may improve survival in men with little or no metastatic prostate cancer compared with treatment without vaccine therapy.

Vaccine Therapy For Treatment of prostate cancer

Sipuleucel-T (Provenge) is a cancer vaccine. The vaccine material is made by the body itself or in the laboratory to boost the immune system, target, or restore the functioning of the immune system.

This vaccine is made specifically for each individual. To make it, the white blood cells (immune system cells) are removed from the patient's blood (leukapheresis) for several hours, using a special machine.

The cells are then sent to the laboratory and treated with a process called prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP).

The cells are then sent back to the hospital to be given back to you with an IV to the blood vessels (IV, intravenous tubes).

This process is repeated 2 times, 2 weeks apart, so you get 3 doses of cells. These cells will boost the immune system to attack prostate cancer.

Side effects of the Sipuleucel-T vaccine

Side effects of vaccines tend to be lighter than those from hormone therapy or chemotherapy. Common side effects can include fever, chills, fatigue, back and joint pain, nausea, and headaches.

This condition usually begins and during the infusion of cells lasting no more than a few days. Some people may have severe side effects, including respiratory problems and high blood pressure. However, it will improve after getting better treatment.

Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer And Side Effect

Radiation therapy is the use of high-energy radiation rays to damage cancer cells by a radiation physician known as radiation oncology.

The type of radiation therapy

The types of radiation therapy used for the treatment of prostate cancer include:

1. External radiation therapy.

This is the most common type of radiation treatment. Physicians use machines located outside the body to focus x-ray beams on cancer areas.

Some cancer treatment centers use conformal radiation therapy (CRT), in which the computer helps to map the location and form of cancer.

2. Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT).

IMRT is a type of external radiation beam therapy that uses CT scans to form a 3-dimensional prostate image before treatment.

A computer monitor takes this information about the size, shape, and location of prostate cancer and determines how much radiation it needs to destroy it.

With IMRT, high-dose radiation can be directed to the prostate without increasing the risk of damaging nearby organs.

Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer

3. Proton ray therapy.

Proton therapy is a type of external radiation therapy that uses proton light to destroy cancer cells.

Current research has not shown that proton therapy provides more benefits for men with prostate cancer than traditional radiation therapy, the cost is also more expensive.

4. Internal radiation therapy

Internal radiation therapy or brachytherapy is the insertion of radioactive sources directly into the prostate.

Radioactive rays release radiation just around the area where they are inserted and can be used for hours (high dose rate) or week (low dose rate).

For a man with high-risk cancer, brachytherapy is usually combined with other treatments.

5. Radium-223.

Radium-223 dichloride (Xofigo) is a type of radioactive substance. Radium-223 provides direct radiation to tumors found in bone, limiting damage to healthy tissue.

According to clinical trial results published in 2013, radium-223 treatment reduces the risk of bone complications and improves survival.

Side effects of radiation therapy

Radiation therapy can cause such direct side effects

- Diarrhea or other problems with rectal function, such as frequent farting, bleeding, and loss of bowel control
- Increased urinary impulse
- Increase frequency; fatigue; inability; And anal discomfort, burning sensation, or pain.
- DE (Erectile Dysfunction)

Most side effects usually disappear after treatment, but side effects such as ED are usually permanent.

Many side effects of radiation therapy may not appear in the months or years after treatment.

Most people expect to experience side effects while receiving treatment. However, often side effects come and can linger beyond the treatment period. These are called long-term side effects.

In addition, other effects of late side effects can develop for months or even years afterwards. Long term side effects and final effects can include both physical and emotional changes.

Talk to your doctor about the risks of side-effects based on the stage of cancer, individual care plans, and your overall health.

If you have a treatment known to cause a certain end effect, you may have a specific examination, scan, or blood test of your own physique to help find and regulate this state.

Source: http://www.cancer.net/cancer-types/prostate-cancer/treatment-options

Prostate Cancer Metastasis - Treatment And Side Effects

Many men experience bone problems related to prostate cancer or the side effects of treatment. Prostate cancer spreads to the bone (bone metastases) can cause severe pain and fractures. In addition, the effects of hormonal therapy for prostate cancer can lead to bone loss, fracture, and joint pain.

Bone metastasis

When prostate cancer spreads to bones and other organs, doctors look under a microscope. It is still treated with therapy for prostate cancer. A man whose prostate cancer spreads to the bone, this does not mean he has bone cancer.

However, he has prostate cancer spread to the organs of the bone by traveling through the blood, bones, and grows. The most commonly affected bones are the spine, hips, and ribs. Once prostate cancer spreads to the bone, this can be a painful process.

It is important that you make a treatment plan, take a strategy to maintain good bone health. There are several treatments available to strengthen bones, prevent metastasis, and manage to prevent pain.

Treatment of Prostate Cancer Spread To Bone And side Effects

Some people diagnosed with prostate cancer will have the spread of their cancer (metastasis) to other parts of the body. Bone is where the spread of cancer cells.

Two classes of drugs used to treat prostate cancer that has spread to the bones are: Bisphosphonates and Denosumab

Prostate Cancer Metastasis

Everyone is different in responding to bone metastasis treatment. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about what to expect, including side effects.

Here is a common drug used to treat bone metastases from prostate cancer

1. Alendronate

What is Alendronate? This type of drug is the same as bisphosphonate used to treat osteoporosis (bone loss). It works by increasing bone density to reduce damage.

How is this drug given? Alendronate is given orally as a tablet.

Aledronate side effects

Everyone responds differently to treatment for bone metastases - some experience many side effects, while others experience less.

Here are some of the side effects experienced by people receiving treatment.

- Stomach ache
- bloated
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Headache
- Nausea
- Pain in the bones / joints

2. Denosumab

Denosumab is a monoclonal antibody used to treat osteoporosis in men diagnosed with prostate cancer.

This drug works by stopping bone cells (osteoclasts) from damage to bone structure. Denosumab is given by subcutaneous injection (under the skin).

Denosumab Side effects

Here are some of the side effects experienced by people who receive denosumab.

- Diarrhea
- Fatigue
- Nausea
- Rash
- Skin changes
- Weakness

3. Pamidronate Dinatrium

Pamidronate Disodium class with bisphosphonates used to treat osteoporosis (bone loss).

It works by reducing bone damage. Disodium Pamidronate is given intravenously (IV).

Pamidronate Dinatrium Side effects

Here are some of the side effects experienced by people who receive disodium pamidronate.

- Stomach ache
- bone pain
- trouble sleeping
- Headache
- Losing appetite
- Nauseous vomit
- Weakness

4. Zoledronic acid

Zoledronic acid is a class of drugs known as bisphosphonates used to treat bone metastases resulting from prostate cancer.

Zoledronic Acid prevents or slows the rate of bone changes (including splitting) provided by intravenous injection.

Zoledronic acid Side effects

Here are some of the side effects experienced by people who received zoledronic acid.

- Bone / joint pain
- Diarrhea
- Fatigue
- Fever
- Headache
- Losing appetite
- Nauseous vomit
- Weight loss

Everyone responds differently to treatment for bone metastases - some experience many side effects while others experience less.

Tell your health care team about the side effects if you experience so they know how best to help you manage the unpleasant effects.

Reference : http://www.prostatecancer.ca/Prostate-Cancer/Treatment/ Drugs-to-Treat-Prostate-Cancer/Drugs-to-Treat-Bone-Metastases/ Denosumab

Androgen Deprivation Therapy for Prostate Cancer

The treatment of prostate cancer with androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) therapy is performed because the growth of cancer cells is driven by androgen hormones, androgen-suppressed hormone therapy is thought to help slow cancer growth.

The most common type of Androgen hormone is testosterone. Testosterone levels in the body can be lowered by removal of the testes, or using certain drugs to kill testicular function.

ADT is used to treat prostate cancer, including recurrent prostate cancer and metastatic prostate cancer. Metastatic prostate cancer is cancer cells that have spread throughout the body.

Androgen Deprivation Therapy

ADT also includes adjuvant therapy (advanced therapy) because it is administered after surgery for men who have cancer in the lymph nodes to remove remaining cancer cells and prevent coming back.

ADT is considered as adjuvant therapy if prostate cancer has been found in lymph nodes after radical prostatectomy given up to 3 years for high-risk and 6-month cancers for men with medium-risk cancers.

Androgen Therapy

Types of androgen therapy

1. Bilateral Orchiectomy.

Bilateral orchiectomy is the surgical removal of both testes and first used for the treatment of metastatic prostate.

ADT is considered an operation because it eliminates the main source of testosterone production, the testes. The effect of this operation is permanent and non-refundable.

2. LHRH Agonists.

LHRH (Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone) is a testicular prevention drug receiving messages sent by the body to make testosterone.

By blocking these signals, LHRH agonists reduce a man's testosterone level and remove the functioning of the testicles.

However, unlike surgeon surgery, the LHRH agonist effect is reversible, so testosterone production usually begins again after the patient stops treatment.

3. LHRH antagonist

The drug is also called gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist, to stop the testes from producing testosterone like LHRH agonists, but they reduce testosterone levels faster and do not cause flares.

Flare is a condition where high testosterone levels turn into a very low drop suddenly.

One of the side effects of this drug is that it can cause severe allergic reactions.

4. Anti-androgen

Anti-androgens block testosterone utilizing the "androgen receptor," which is a chemical structure in cancer cells that allows testosterone and other male hormones to enter the cells.

This drug is used in men who have "hormone sensitive" prostate cancer, which means that prostate cancer still responds to ADT. Anti-androgens are usually not used alone in the treatment of prostate cancer.

5. Enzalutamide (Xtandi)

This drug is a new type of anti-androgen blocking signals from androgen receptors.

Enzalutamide is approved by the FDA for men who have developed progressive prostate metastatic cancer.

Treatment with enzalutamide has led to overall improved survival.

6. CYP17 Inhibitor.

Although testes are a major producer of testosterone, other cells in the body can still make small amounts of testosterone that can promote cancer growth. These include the adrenal glands and some of the prostate cancer cells themselves, the CYP17 inhibitor plays a role in preventing it.

Abiraterone acetate (Zytiga) is a drug that blocks enzymes called CYP17 Inhibitors and prevents these cells from making certain hormones, including adrenal androgens.

Abiraterone acetate can cause serious side effects such as high blood pressure, low blood potassium levels, and fluid retention. Other common side effects include weakness, joint swelling or pain, swelling in the legs or feet, reddening, diarrhea, vomiting, shortness of breath, and anemia.

Side effects of androgen therapy for prostate treatment

Androgen therapy causes side effects that generally disappear after treatment is completed, except in men who already have orchiectomy.

These side effects include:

- DE (erectile dysfunction)
- jaded, weak and lethargic
- Weight loss
- Loss of muscle mass
- Osteopenia or osteoporosis, or bone thinning

Another important side effect of androgen therapy is the risk of developing metabolic syndrome disease such as obesity, blood cholesterol levels and high blood pressure that increases a person's risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

The risks and benefits of androgen therapy should be discussed with your doctor. For men with metastatic prostate cancer. Side effects control management is very important for prostate cancer patients who receive androgen therapy treatment including regular exercise, do not smoke, healthy diet, take vitamin D or calcium supplements, and treatment as preventive cardiovascular follow-up.

Chemotherapy For Prostate Cancer And Side Effects

Treatment of prostate cancer with chemotherapy is the use of specific drugs to destroy cancer cells by stopping their ability to grow and divide.

Chemotherapy is usually given by a medical oncologist, a doctor who specializes in treating cancers with drugs.

Chemotherapy For Prostate Cancer


Chemotherapy is systemically inserted into the bloodstream to reach cancer cells throughout the body. Chemotherapy is administered through an intravena tube (IV) placed into a vein using a needle.

This may help patients with resistant, advanced stage prostate cancer. A chemotherapy regimen usually consists of a certain number of cycles administered over a given period of time.

There are some standard drugs used for prostate cancer. In general, standard chemotherapy begins with docetaxel combined with a steroid known as prednisone.

Prostate cancer treatment with prednisone chemotherapy procedures has been shown to help patients with advanced prostate cancer live longer than other chemotherapy drugs such as mitoxantrone (Novantrone).

Mitoxantrone is one of the first chemotherapy approved for metastatic or resistant prostate cancer although it is not generally used. Mitoxantrone is useful for controlling the pain of cancer that sometimes appears in certain situations.

The FDA has also approved other drugs, such as cabazitaxel (Jevtana), based on studies that show increased survival when compared with mitoxantrone for patients with developing disease after docetaxel. Cabazitaxel is currently compared with docetaxel in clinical trials, but the results are still delayed.

Side effects of chemotherapy

In general, the side effects of chemotherapy depend on the individual, the type of chemotherapy received, the dose used, and the duration of treatment.

Side effects of chemotherapy in the treatment of prostate cancer such as fatigue, mouth and throat wounds, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, constipation, blood disorders, nervous system effects, changes in thinking and memory, sexual and reproductive problems, loss of appetite, And hair loss.

Side effects of chemotherapy usually disappear after treatment is complete. However, some side effects may continue, return, or develop later.

Ask your doctor about any side effects you may experience, based on your treatment plan. Your health care team will work with you to manage or prevent many of these side effects.

Reference : http://www.cancer.net/cancer-types/prostate-cancer/treatment-options

Radical Prostatectomy Surgery To Treat Prostate Cancer

One surgical procedure for treating prostate cancer is a radical prostatectomy that removes the entire prostate.

Usually, men with early-stage disease or cancer are confined to the prostate will undergo surgical removal of the entire prostate gland, plus some surrounding tissue, and then the doctor will reconnect the bladder channel to the urethra.

Advanced surgical procedures may be performed in men with recurrent prostate cancer, such as lymph node removal, which is where the initial landing of prostate cancer metastasis.

Radical Prostatectomy Surgery

Why should the entire prostate be removed?

Because cancer has invaded the seminal vesicles, the nearest part of the vas deferens, along with nearby tissues, and some nearest pelvic lymph nodes.

In addition, the cancer has spread throughout the prostate gland, the prostate should be removed. This is done to ensure that cancer cells do not lag and grow.

Lymph nodes in the pelvis are round or oval round small round the blood vessels. They filter the fluid from the lymph nodes.

Prostate cancer usually spreads first into the soft tissues around the prostate. Then, spread to the seminal vesicles, lymph nodes, bones and other organs. There are many other lymph nodes. So that the body will not be harmed by removing some lymph nodes.

During the procedure of prostatectomy surgery, did not escape the surgery of nerve-sparing prostatectomy. What is a nerve-sparing prostatectomy? In a nerve-sparing prostatectomy, the surgeon cuts to the very edge of the prostate, a functional nerve that runs alongside the prostate.

A neurosurgical-sparing procedure may be performed; It depends on whether the cancer attacks the nerve or not. However, neurosurgical-sparing procedures offer the best opportunity to preserve long-term ssual function.

Treatment of prostate cancer by radical prostatectomy surgery

There are four types of radical prostatectomy surgery, namely:

1. Retropubic radical prostatectomy

This is the most common type of prostate surgery. Your surgeon will make a cut (slice) in the lower abdomen and remove the prostate through this slice.

2. Perineum radical prostatectomy

The removal of the prostate by cutting between the anus and the scrotum.

3. Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy

The surgeon will make six incisions about 1 inch in your stomach to remove the prostate gland. This operation has been replaced by the interface of a laparoscopic surgical robot as a tool.

4. Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy (RALP)

The entire prostate is removed using the help of the robot system. RALP surgery is one of the most common types of prostate surgery today.

However, the success of this operation depends on how experienced your surgeon is. In the hands of experienced clinicians, there is no major difference in outcomes between RALP and retropubic prostatectomy.

Post Surgical Treatment 

After the prostate is removed, the urinary tract and bladder are reconstructed again. Then the catheter is inserted through the urethra into the bladder. A new channel between the bladder and the urethra to drain urine (anastomosis).

Most people do not fart for one to two days, and they do not defecate until the third day after surgery. This depends on the amount of anti-pain medication given.

After the surgeon has the latest pathology report, he will make a plan, including regular doctor visit plan and PSA test every 6-12 months. The postoperative PSA level should be undetectable (less than 0.1 ng / mL).

If a pathology report shows cancer in surgical margins or cancer spread to adjacent tissues, seminal vesicles, or lymph nodes, further treatment may be necessary. Therapy can be done with radiation therapy or hormone therapy, or both. It will start 2 to 4 months after surgery.

Reference : http://www.cancer.net/cancer-types/prostate-cancer/treatment-options

Prevent Prostate Cancer By Eating 10 Tomatoes Per Week

Tomatoes are certainly familiar to US people. This food is not only healthy, but it also can prevent one type of cancer feared by men, namely prostate cancer.

A recent study revealed that the components present in tomatoes can help lower the risk of men with prostate cancer. These components include lycopene, an antioxidant carotenoid that gives red to tomatoes. Lycopene has been known to improve blood vessel function and prevent heart disease.

Tomatoes Prevent Prostate Cancer

Based on research conducted by researchers at the University of Bristol revealed that men who ate 10 servings of tomatoes or more within a week decreased the risk of prostate cancer by 18 percent. The study, led by Vanessa Er, was conducted in 1,806 men who had prostate cancer at 50 to 69 years of age and compared it to 12,005 men without cancer.

"Tomatoes are important for the prevention of prostate cancer, but further research needs to be done to confirm this study," the researchers wrote, as reported by the Daily Health Post (05/12).

Although tomatoes are known to reduce the risk of prostate cancer, but men should still eat vegetables and other fruits to get a balanced nutrition. In addition, researchers also caution men not to consume too much tomato products such as tomato sauce, pizza, and others.

Although made from tomatoes, but these processed products must have been mixed with other unhealthy ingredients such as salt, sugar, fat, and others. Researchers also explained that in addition to tomatoes, vegetables and fruits rich in fiber can also be consumed to reduce the risk of cancer.

In addition to eating tomatoes, researchers also reveal other ways to prevent prostate cancer, among others, is by consuming black tea. Drinking black tea and eating carrots are known to reduce the risk of prostate cancer from up to 20 to 30 percent

Skipping Vitamin D Can Cause Prostate Cancer

From now on, men do not miss vitamin D. The reason, recent research found that low levels of vitamin D in men can predict prostate cancer.

The study, which comes from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, found that vitamin D deficiency can predict aggressive prostate cancer as a biomaker.

Skipping Vitamin D Can Cause Prostate Cancer

As reported by thehealthsite, the study showed a link between vitamin D levels and aggressive prostate cancer based on blood sampling samples. Vitamin D is a biomaker for bone health and aggressiveness of other diseases. So it is important for everyone to check the levels of vitamin D in the body.

Aggressive prostate cancer is described as a cancer that has migrated out of the prostate and has a high Gleason score. This is used to help evaluate the prognosis of men with prostate cancer.

A low Gleason score means cancerous tissue is similar to normal prostate tissue and tends to spread. While high Gleason score means cancerous tissue that is far from normal and more likely to spread

Surgical Options for Prostate Cancer Treatment

Prostate Cancer Treatment with surgery is removal of the tumor and the removal of some healthy tissue around it. It is used to try to remove the tumor before it spreads outside the prostate.

A surgical oncologist is a doctor who specializes in treating cancer by using surgery. For prostate cancer, urologist or urology oncologist is a surgical oncologist who is involved in treatment.

The type of surgery depends on the stage of the disease, the overall health condition of the patient, and other factors according to your decision and your doctor.

Surgical Options for Prostate Cancer Treatment

The purpose of surgical operation in the treatment of prostate cancer

The purpose of the operation is varied. However, surgical operations are performed for the following reasons and purposes:

- To diagnose cancer
- To remove all or part of a cancer or tumor
- To find out where the cancer is located
- To find out whether the cancer has spread or affect the function of other organs in the body
- To restore body function or appearance
- To alleviate and prevent the side effects of cancer

The location of the surgical operation is dependent on the extent of the surgery level and how much recovery you need. You may have surgery at a doctor's office, clinic, or hospital.

Outpatient surgery means that you do not have to stay in the hospital before or after surgery.

Inpatient surgery means that you need to stay in the hospital overnight or longer to recover after surgery.

Surgical options for prostate cancer

Surgical options include:

1. Radical prostatectomy (open).

A radical prostatectomy is the surgical removal of the entire prostate and seminal vesicles, the lymph nodes in the pelvic region can also be removed.

This operation has a risk of ED. A man can maintain the function s * ksual after surgery by avoiding damage to neurosurgery that allows er * csi and org * sme to occur.

Urinary incontinence is also a possible side effect of radical prostatectomy. To prevent normal disruption of s * normal function, the patient may receive the drug. Sometimes, other operations can improve incontinence.

2. Robot technology or laparoscopic prostatectomy.

This type of surgery may be much less invasive than radical prostatectomy but may shorten recovery time.

A camera and instrument are inserted through a small, incision hole site in the patient's abdomen.

The surgeon then directs the robotic instrument to remove the prostate gland and some healthy tissue around it.

In general, robotic prostatectomy reduces bleeding and relieves pain, but side effects for the s * function and urethra can be similar to radical (open) prostatectomy.

Talk to your doctor about whether the Hospital offers this procedure and how it compares with the radical (open) prostatectomy results.

3. Cryosurgery.

Cryosurgery, also called cryotherapy or cryoablation, is the freezing of cancer cells with a metal probe inserted through a small incision in the area between the rectum and the scrotum, a leather sac containing testicles.

This is not a treatment therapy as a standard of care for men recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. Cryosurgery has not been compared with radical prostatectomy or radiation therapy, so doctors do not know if it is a comparable treatment option.

Side effects of this surgical treatment on urinary function and sexual function are also not well defined.

When does prostate cancer have surgery?

The best prostate cancer surgery is if your prostate cancer is in the clinical stage of T1 or T2. That means only limited to the prostate gland.

This treatment is also used if your illness is a clinical T3 stage.

But if you have a PSA level of less than 20 ng / mL and a Gleason score of less than 8 you have a higher chance of recovering after surgery.

Treatment of prostate cancer surgery is usually limited by a fairly healthy man and able to tolerate major surgery.

You must have a motivation for life expectancy of 10 years or more ahead, life expectancy by age and health.

Reference: http://www.cancer.net/navigating-cancer-care/how-cancer-treated/surgery/what-cancer-surgery

Study Of Calcium For Diet And Prostate Cancer Treatment

What is the role of calcium for the body? Calcium is a mineral that is necessary for basic blood vessels, muscles, nerve function, signaling from cell to cell, and hormone release. The body stores calcium especially in bone tissue. Natural calcium is present in some foods added from the food eaten.

The main source of calcium in a healthy diet is from edible food and dietary supplements. About a third of calcium comes from milk and dairy products such as cheese and yogurt.

Vegetable calcium sources include cabbage, kale, and broccoli. Spinach contains calcium but is hardly absorbed properly by the body. Foods with added calcium include fruit juice, tofu, and cereals.

Most scientists have studied and examined the effects of calcium on the risk of prostate cancer.

Calcium For Diet And Prostate Cancer

Calcium Test In The Treatment Of Prostate Cancer

In a 2011 study, patients with prostate cancer cells were treated with cow's milk, almond milk, soy milk, casein, or lactose.

- The growth of prostate cancer cells (LNCaP) is stimulated when treated with cow's milk.
- Treatment with soy milk does not affect the growth of prostate cancer cells.
- Treatment with almond milk therapy slows the growth of prostate cancer cells.

Study of calcium in animal test

Some rat test animals suffering from prostate cancer are fed a diet low in calcium and a diet high in calcium. The growth of prostate cancer was found to be similar in mice given either low or high in calcium.

Dietary vitamin D and calcium were also studied in mice injected with prostate cancer cells (including high calcium diet plus vitamin D and normal non-vitamin D calcium).

The mice that received normal non-vitamin D calcium had more prostate cancer growth than other dietary mice.

Studies are also being applied from humans in different parts of the world to find out if there is a connection between dairy products, calcium, and the risk of prostate cancer.

Population study

Population studies are intended to look for risk factors and ways to control disease in large groups of people.

Population studies of dairy products, calcium, and prostate cancer risk have shown mixed results. These studies may be difficult to interpret because other major nutrients in dairy products, such as fat, and factors such as age and body mass index have not been taken into account.

Overall, studies show that high calcium intake may be associated with an increased risk of prostate and metastatic cancer compared with lower calcium counts.

More studies are needed about the effects of calcium or milk products on the risk of prostate cancer and how these effects develop in the body.

Clinical trials of calcium to prevent prostate cancer

In a randomized clinical trial reported in 2005, men were given calcium (1200 mg / day) and placebo for 4 years and followed for 12 years.

During the first 6 years of the study, there were fewer cases of prostate cancer in the calcium group compared with the placebo group.

After 10 years, it seems, there was no significant difference in the number of prostate cancers in the calcium group compared with the placebo group.

Reviews from many studies are combined

Reviews from many joint studies show mixed findings on whether consuming calcium and dairy products affect the risk of prostate cancer:

A th 2005 review of many studies found a possible association between an increased risk of prostate cancer and a diet high in dairy and calcium products.

A 2008 review of 45 observational studies found no association between consuming dairy products and the risk of prostate cancer.

A cohort study review published between 1996 and 2006 found that consuming milk and dairy products increased the risk of prostate cancer.

Reviews in th 2013 for the US Preventive Services Task Force found that taking Vitamin D and / or calcium supplements did not show overall effects on cancer rates or deaths from cancer, including prostate cancer.

A 2015 review of 32 cohort studies found that consuming high amounts of milk, low-fat milk, cheese, calcium, and calcium milk may increase the risk of prostate cancer.


Of all analyzes, calcium and non-milk calcium supplements have not or are not associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer. Calcium supplements are associated with an increased risk of death from prostate cancer, further research is still needed.

Is calcium approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use as a cancer treatment in the United States? Currently, the FDA has not approved the use of calcium as a treatment for cancer or other medical conditions.

Calcium supplements are products intended to be added to the diet. It is not categorized as medicine and is not intended to treat, prevent, or cure prostate disease.

Taking natural vegetable calcium sources is an appropriate decision for alternative treatments of prostate cancer, including calcium from cabbage, kale, broccoli, soy milk, and almond milk.

Source : https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/treatment/cam/patient/ prostate-supplements-pdq

Benefits of Soy Isoflavones To Lower PSA levels

Soybean plants as a popular food in Asia since ancient times are processed into various products including soy milk, tempeh, tofu, soy flour, and soybean oil.

Soy contains many phytochemicals that can have health benefits. Isoflavones are important compounds. Isoflavones are a major component of soybeans including genistein (which may be the most bioactive isoflavones), daidzein, and glycitein. Isoflavones protect soy plants from stress and are antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antifungal.

Isoflavones are phytoestrogens attached to estrogen receptors in cells. Genistein has been shown to affect the growth and spread of cancer.

Soy Isoflavones To Lower PSA levels

Benefits of Isoflavones in Soybeans to treat prostate cancer

Several laboratory studies have found that treating human prostate cancer cells with isoflavones (such as genistein or daidzein) interfere with pathways in prostate cancer cells associated with inflammation, growth and spread of prostate cancer.

Several laboratory studies have found that treating prostate cancer cells with whole soy extracts (major isoflavones) or combining other plant compounds with isoflavones may have more anticancer effects than using a single isoflavone.

A study compared the treatment of human prostate cancer with soy isoflavones, curcumin (yellow pigment from turmeric, or a combination of some of these compounds.

The results showed that combining curcumin and isoflavones was more effective in lowering PSA (prostate-specific antigen) levels than those using only one compound.

Study on animal testing

Studies of animal models of prostate cancer treated with soy have shown mixed results as follows:

Strain mice are made to develop prostate cancer that acts like a human cancer fed diet with genistein and diet control. Mice fed a genistein diet had a reduced prostate cancer cell growth.

However, the effects of genistein on prostate cancer may vary depending on the dose and how the initial treatment is administered.

In another study combining radiation therapy with soy isoflavones, rats were implanted with prostate cancer cells treated with genistein, mixed isoflavones (genistein, daidzein, and glycitein), and / or radiation.

Combining isoflavones combined with radiation therapy found that this was the most effective method of slowing tumor growth.

Population study

Studies on human models aimed at finding risk factors and ways to control disease in large groups of people.

Studies of soy intake population and prostate cancer risk have shown mixed results as follows:

A 2009 review of many joint studies showed that men eating large amounts of nonfermented soy foods (eg, tofu and soy milk) had a lower risk of prostate cancer.

A 2013 review showed that the level of PSA and male hormone levels showed that men treated with soy had better conditions, compared to men who were not treated with soy.

In a study in Japan, some men underwent a prostate biopsy but did not have cancer, were given daily soy isoflavone supplements (40 mg) and curcumin (100 mg), while others received placebo.

After 6 months, those receiving soy isoflavones had a decrease in PSA levels compared with patients in the placebo group.

In soy isoflavone trials, prostate cancer patients with elevated PSA levels have been treated with radiation therapy and consumed soy every day for 6 months. Soya beverages contain 65-90 mg of isoflavones.

The results showed that soy beverages had very few side effects and slowed PSA doubling time (how long would it take blood levels of PSA to increase by 100 percent). These findings suggest that consuming soy beverages may help slow prostate cancer progression.

Soybean Side effects 

Are there any side effects of soybeans that have been reported? Soy products and isoflavones have been consumed by prostate cancer patients with very few side effects in many clinical trials. The most commonly reported adverse side effects are mild gastrointestinal symptoms.

Sourse: https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/treatment/cam/patient/ prostate-supplements-pdq

Citrus Pectin Benefits for Prostate Cancer and Side Effects

Treating Prostate With modified citrus pectin is by taking pectin from the skin and pulp of modified citrus fruits through the process conditioned in high pH and heated high temperature to break down the molecules so easily absorbed by the body, often called pectin or Citrus Pectin citrus.

Pectin is a type of polysaccharide (carbohydrates with many chemically related small sugar molecules). Pectin is found in gel cell-shaped cell walls that are useful in the manufacture of various types of foods and medicines.

Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) is meant in the treatment of prostate cancer taken from the skin and pulp of citrus fruits such as grapefruit, lemon, and lime.

Citrus Pectin  for Prostate Cancer and Side Effects

Treatment of prostate cancer with Modified Citrus Pectin

Some studies on prostate cancer patients indicate that pectin is an anticancer. The main purpose of this study was to determine whether pectin citrus was well tolerated by cancer patients.

In a study of prostate cancer patients, the pectin orange powder was dissolved in water and administered 3 times / day for at least 8 weeks.

This study shows some quality improvements in life in physical function, overall health, both fatigue, pain, and insomnia from some prostate patients.

About a quarter of the patients showed stable conditions after 8 weeks of treatment and only a few people had stable conditions for more than 24 weeks.

In another study of the effect of citrus pectin on the specific antigen levels of prostate cancer (PSA).

Multiplication time (how long it takes PSA levels in the blood to increase 100 percent), in prostate cancer patients who have advanced PSA levels, given 6 capsules citrus pectin 3 times / day for 12 months.

After treatment, 7 out of 10 patients showed a deceleration of PSA doubling time.

Side effects

Two studies of citrus pectin show that most patients have very few side effects. Itching and abdominal pain were reported in one study.

In another study, 3 patients experienced abdominal cramps and diarrhea that disappeared when treatment was discontinued.

Citrus pectin is a dietary supplement that is meant to be added to the diet. The FDA claims that pectin is not a medication and is not intended to treat, prevent, or cure prostate cancer.

Green Tea Study To Treat Cancer Prostate

Some studies show that green tea can protect against, and help treat against certain types of cancer, including prostate cancer. Several clinical trials have been designed to study whether green tea is useful in treating prostate cancer at an early stage.

Green tea has been consumed in Asia since ancient times. Many health benefits that may be studied in green tea containing a compound are called polyphenols.

Polyphenols are a large group of plant chemicals including catechins (antioxidants that help protect cells from free radical damage). This catechin is the largest element of green tea polyphenols.

Catechins of green tea include:

- Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG).
- Epicatechin (EC).
- Epigallocatechin (EGC).
- Epicatechin-3-gallate (ECG).

EGCC is the most active catechin in green tea that has been widely studied. Laboratory research, animal studies, and early-stage clinical trials have found that EGCG may be very active in blocking pathways involving prostate cancer cell growth.

Green Tea for Cancer Prostate

To make green tea, tea leaves are baked in a frying pan (or, historically, steamed) to preserve catechins and maintain freshness.

The black green tea is made using a process that causes catechin and other compounds in the leaf to oxidize, producing darker colored teas.

The benefits of green tea for the treatment of prostate cancer

The study of green tea in a laboratory has shown the following:

- EGCG in green tea blocks the stimulation of androgen effects (male hormone) on prostate tumor cells, slows the spread of mestatasis, and increases cell death.

- Green tea polyphenols can cause anticancer effects by blocking histone deacetylases (HDAC) that are found in large numbers in prostate cancer cells. Green tea polyphenols decrease HDAC activity and cause cell death.

A population study was conducted to look for risk factors and ways to control disease in a large group of people.

A review of many joint study populations, primarily from Asia, suggests mixed findings about whether green tea has a protective effect or not on the risk of prostate cancer.

Overall, population studies show that green tea may help protect against prostate cancer in Asian populations.

Clinical trials of green tea in preventing prostate cancer

In two randomized clinical trials in men with high prostatic intraepithelial neoplasms (HGPIN), those treated with green tea catechins had lower rates of prostate cancer than those who were treated with controls. The findings suggest that green tea catechins may lower the risk of prostate cancer in high-risk patients for the disease.

Clinical trials of green tea in treating prostate cancer

Clinical trials designed to study whether green tea can treat prostate cancer have shown the following:

Patients are scheduled to undergo radical prostatectomy assigned to drink green tea, black tea, or soda five times / day for 5 days.

In this study, only people drinking green tea showed a decrease in PSA levels.

Side effects of green tea

The most frequently reported side effects allegedly related to the use of green tea include headache, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, abdominal pain, dizziness, and weakness.

One study found that the most frequently reported adverse effects of green tea were gastrointestinal symptoms.

Gastrointestinal side effects are usually mild, occurring most often in patients who take on an empty stomach and at certain high doses.

There are reports of the use of green tea that is associated with some cases of liver damage. Most of those affected are women when they want to lose weight.

Most patients recover within 4 months after stopping consuming green tea extract.

There is one case report of acute liver failure in women who then needs a liver transplant.

The doctor concluded that their condition was probably caused by over-the-counter green tea capsule extract to lose weight.

The Benefits of Pomegranate Juice For Lowering PSA Levels

Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) is native to Asia that can grow throughout the Mediterranean region including Southeast Asia, the Indies, Africa, and the United States. Pomegranate has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times.

Each part of the pomegranate has a bioactive compound, a chemical that promotes health for the body. These include:

- Pomegranate skin contains bioactive compounds such as phenolics, flavonoids, and ellagitannins (the main source of active antioxidants);
- Seeds, containing punicic acid, omega-5 fatty acids;
- Aril (the meat in the outer layer surrounding the seed), contains phenolics and flavonoids including; Anthocyanins that give red color to the seeds, and make the pomegranate juice red.

Pomegranate For Lowering PSA Levels

Pomegranate for the treatment of prostate cancer

A study of 13 compounds contained in pomegranates showed the ability to slow the growth and spread of cancer cells and cause the death of prostate cancer cells

Punicic acid (a bioactive compound found in pomegranate seeds) has been shown to have a powerful effect in causing prostate cancer cell death, with higher doses of treatment becoming more effective.

Another study of mice injected with prostate tumor cells, found that mice drinking pomegranate juice dissolved in water, had smaller tumors and took longer to develop secondary tumors than those who drank regular water.

In a population study, of 48 patients with elevated antigen-specific prostate (PSA), after surgery or radiation therapy, patients were given 8 ounces of pomegranate juice daily for 33 months.

Patients who were given pomegranate juice drink had a slow PSA doubling time (how long would it take 100% for PSA levels to increase blood).

When prostate cancer cells (LNCaP) in the laboratory are treated with patient blood - before and after the study - there is a decrease in cell growth and an increase in cancer cell death after pomegranate treatment.

Side effects of pomegranates for patients with prostate cancer

Are there any adverse events or risks reported from the treatment of prostate cancer with pomegranates?

From the above study, prostate cancer patients treated with pomegranate juice reported no / no serious side effects.

Some pomegranate products sold in supermarkets may contain added sugar. The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) recommends limiting sweet drinks.

6 Benefits Of Lycopene In Tomatoes For Prostate Cancer

Tomato fruit was not only suitable as a food ingredient, but tomatoes also have health benefits. Some studies contained in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute reinforce the claim that tomatoes contain phytochemicals that can reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

There are several types of tomatoes based on their physical form, ie

- Sweet tomatoes; has thick flesh and water-containing seeds.
- Vegetable tomatoes; Vegetable tomatoes are smaller than fruit tomatoes.
- Cherry tomatoes - the size of a marble, usually used as a salad.

The three types of tomatoes have an important content that is Likopen, but with different levels. Of the three types of tomatoes, the best to eat is a tomato or red tomatoes.

Sweet tomatoes contain vitamin C and vitamin A higher than vegetable tomatoes or cherry tomatoes. Levels of tomato maturity determine the number of vitamins and lycopene, the more mature the tomatoes will be the higher levels of its phytochemicals.

 Tomatoes For Prostate Cancer

The specialty of tomatoes can be taken when crushed or mixed with cooking because it can remove free radicals in other food stuff that is cooked with it. Some studies also confirm that the content of tomatoes when processed into other ingredients such as tomato paste does not alter the levels of their vitamins and substances.

Lycopene in tomatoes is a red or yellow pigment in tomatoes were initially as a light absorber in the process of photosynthesis. For humans, lycopene serves as an antidote to free radicals that are stronger than vitamin E or A.

Some types of cancer can be minimized by regular consumption of tomatoes such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, cervical cancer and colon cancer, and may not be useful to prevent other types of cancer.

For prostate cancer, Lycopene is an active ingredient that plays an important role in minimizing the risk of cancer spread or metastasizes.

6 Important roles of lycopene for the body's prostate cancer include

1. Free Radical Protection

As we know that the effects of climate change and lifestyle have a high effect on changing body condition. Free radicals can attack people with unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking, sleep deprivation, and drink alcohol.

Tomatoes and Lycopene are counteracting free radicals if consumed regularly and balanced with a healthy lifestyle.

2. Keeping the Hormone Balance

Hormones in the human body have different levels of each individual. The development of hormones depends on the level of human activity in producing them.

When their hormones of maturity are faster growing, it usually begins with the habit of seeing and imitating something related to the level of maturity, lifestyle and environmental factors is the main influence.

3. Launch Body Metabolism

The body has a circulatory and digestive system that is included in the metabolism work. The spread of prostate cancer can be caused by impaired metabolic system so that cancer cells are easy to grow and enlarge.

The role of lycopene in tomatoes can help the body's metabolism. Lycopene will balance the hormone so that it can launch the circulatory and digestive system to prevent prostate cancer cells metastasize.

4. Damaged Cell Regeneration

Once, the body cells will be damaged. The damage can occur due to free radicals and age factors. Increased age in a person increases the risk of damaging the body tissues that cause the cells to grow.

Lycopene and vitamins in the tomato will help regenerate cells to replace damaged cells and grow healthy new cells.

5. Improving the immune system

The immune system will determine whether or not a person is infected with an illness.

Cancer is caused by free radicals that grow cancerous tissue cells and attack healthy cells over time that depend on the resistance of every human being. If the immune system is maintained and balanced then less chance of infection of the disease can stop at your body.

6. Preventing Gene Changes

The adverse effects of an unhealthy lifestyle make it possible for gene mutations. Free association and physical contact (blood donation, and such) can lead to changes in genes that grow cancer cells.

This condition can be minimized by consuming tomatoes regularly and change lifestyle to be healthier.

Some other facts about the magic of tomatoes are as follows,

- Processed tomatoes (boiled or crushed) will make lycopene more easily absorbed by the body so it is very effective to prevent prostate cancer.
- Citric acid and malic acid in tomatoes serve as vitamin C and A.
- Tomato juice as a tonic that works on recovery.
- Tomatoes have efficacy as a reliever fever, and detox or antidote
- Side effects such as allergies can occur for a person sensitive to tomatoes. Tomato allergies can occur in the gastrointestinal tract because of saponins, histamine, and solanine.

Benefits of Moringa Leaves To Treat Prostate Cancer

The moringa plant (Moringa Olivera) grows at a height of about 7 to 8 meters, the shape of the leaf is rounded like a small egg that grows a lot in one stalk.

For traditional communities, moringa leaf is known as a magical plant that can be used as an alternative treatment to cure various diseases, one of the 'heavyweight' diseases that can be treated with this moringa leaf is cancer.

As we all know, prostate cancer is one of the deadly diseases and the cure of disease is not easy.

During this time, many people are desperate when convicted of getting prostate cancer because it is difficult to treat. Now, cancer sufferers do not have to despair to recover from the disease because moringa leaves can be the solution to your problem.

Moringa Leaves To Treat Prostate Cancer

Some of the content of moringa leaves are:

- Antioxidants. The moringa leaves have 46 powerful antioxidants that can protect the body from free radicals, including: vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin B (Thiamin), vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), vitamin B3 (Niacin ), Vitamin B6, alanine, arginine, beta-sitosterol, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, carotenoids, etc.
- The amount of potassium is 15 times more than bananas
- Vitamin A in moringa leaves is similar to 10 times than carrots, And beta carotene in moringa leaves is 4 times more than carrots.
- Iron in moringa leaves is 25 times more than spinach
- Calcium in moringa is 17 times more; And the amount of protein is 2 times more than milk
- The amount of protein in the moringa is 9 times more than yogurt
- Zinc compound in moringa is 6 times more than almond
- The amount of fiber in the moringa is 5 times more than spinach.
- Amino acid in moringa leaves is 6 times more than garlic
- GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) in moringa is 100 times more than brown rice.
- The amount of vitamin B2 in moringa is 50 times more than sardines, while vitamin B3 is 50 times more than peanuts.
- The amount of vitamin E is 4 times more than corn oil.

Benefits of Moringa Leaf For Prostate Cancer

Consuming moringa leaves during a medical treatment of prostate cancer will accelerate the healing of the disease because the moringa leaves have several benefits, including

1. Have Anti-cancer

Various studies have been conducted to test the benefits of moringa leaves for cancer patients. The results of several studies have found that moringa leaves have niaziminin compounds that are anti-cancer properties

This active compound can help prevent the growth and development of cancer cells in the body.

2. As Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory

A moringa leaf contains elements such as essential amino acids, carotenoid phytonutrients, quercetin, and anti-inflammatory natural antibacterial compounds.

Antioxidants play a role in counteracting free radicals (trigger cancer attacks to the body) and reduce the number of cancer cells, while anti-inflammatory can relieve or reduce the pain caused by inflammation that occurs during the growth of abnormal cells.

3. Anti aging

Moringa leaves also have anti-aging compounds by decreasing the effects of oxidative stress and inflammation. Polyphenols, vitamin C, beta carotene, quercetin, and chlorogenic acid may help decrease the risk of metastatic prostate cancer to other organs in the body.

4. Prevent the Formation of New Cancer Cells

Antioxidants in moringa leaves are very powerful to prevent the formation of new cancer cells in the body. In addition, a high enough potassium will slow down to stop the formation of new cancer cells in the body.

5. As Antimicrobial and Antibacterial

Moringa leaves are antimicrobial and antibacterial so that it can help the healing process and reduce the number of cancer cells.

6. Destroy and Kill Prostate Cancer Cells

Benzil isothiocyanate in moringa leaves is believed to destroy tumor cells and cancer cells in the body because the compound has anticancer and chemoprotective properties.

Chemoprotective is needed by prostate cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy to strengthen their body cells and help them to withstand the side effects of chemotherapy.

7. Increasing Body Resistance

Nutrition, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids in moringa leaves are very useful to maintain the immunity of cancer patients where this condition is necessary for the body considering the side effects of cancer treatment either medically or the effects of cancer cell development itself.

Benefits of Snails For Prostate Cancer

Snails contain high protein and amino acids that can help repair damaged cells and stimulate the formation of new cells. In addition, snails also contain small amounts of fat, vitamin B complex, phosphorus, and calcium.

There are two parts of the snail that are often used as a treatment of disease, namely the meat and mucus. Snail meat can be processed into delicious cuisine while the mucus can be smeared on the skin.

Snails For Prostate Cancer

There are some interesting facts about the benefits of snails for prostate cancer patients, ie

1. Snails inhibit prostate cancer cell growth.

Snail meat is believed to help treat cancer, especially prostate cancer. Various important compounds on snails not only inhibit the development of cancer cells, but also can eliminate the nicotine levels for smokers.

2. Killing Prostate Cancer Cells

N-alkylisatins compounds found in snail eggs are very powerful in eradicating cancer cells, even stronger than chemotherapy. These compounds are known to be more effective in the face of breast cancer and prostate cancer.

3. Inhibits cancer Cells metastasize

Snails can kill cancer cells, certainly also able to inhibit prostate cancer cell (metastasis).

Snail mucus is believed to prevent spread of cancer cells that attack other organs in the body. In addition, snail mucus is also useful for healing wounds and helping the formation of new cells in the body of prostate cancer.

4. Other Benefits Of Snails

In addition to helping treat prostate cancer, snails have other benefits to treat various health disorders such as

- Source of animal protein.

Snails provide a large amount of protein, snails can serve as one of the best sources of animal protein. Protein is needed as a body building agent, repairing damaged cells and forming muscle mass.

- Treat liver cirrhosis and hepatitis.

Liver diseases such as liver cirrhosis and hepatitis B can also be overcome by eating snail meat.

- Heals wounds.

Various compounds in snail mucus such as glycosaminoglycan and cooper peptide can accelerate closing the wound so that it quickly heals. These compounds can repair cell damage and stimulate the formation of new skin cells.

- Prevent skin itching.

Snail mucus can also treat itching. The mucus provides a cool sensation and refreshes the skin so that itchy skin may disappear.

- Treat asthma and tuberculosis.

Diseases around the lungs such as asthma and tuberculosis include diseases that are a little difficult to cure. But by using snails, diseases associated with digestive organs can be overcome.

- Strengthens bones and teeth.

Snails contain high calcium so it provides nutrients for bones and teeth to be strong and solid.

- Treating anemia.

Snails are rich in iron so accelerating the production of red blood cells in the body of a prostate cancer patient.

5 Benefits Of Chia Seed For Prostate Cancer

Chia seed is a plant originated from Guatemala, the seed of a blue flower mint plant called Salvia hispanica. Chia seeds contain Omega 3 fatty acids and fibers about 35 grams / 100 grams of seeds.

There are two types of Chia seeds: white Chia and black Chia. According to research, black Chia contains more antioxidants than white Chia. Other nutrients in Chia seeds include:

- Carbohydrates, as an energy source
- Vitamin A, B-12, C to maintain endurance
- Phosphorus, supports bone formation and metabolism
- Protein, for the health of brain function
- Iron, improves the quality of red blood cells
- Zinc, supports brain function and skin health
- Potassium and Manganese, aids digestion and metabolism
- Calcium, improves bone and teeth health
- Tryptophan, improve digestion and increase appetite
- Alpha Linolenic Acid, improves the health of vital organs

All the nutrients in Chia seeds are needed by patients with prostate cancer to cure if they consume Chia seeds regularly and as recommended dosage.

Chia Seed For Prostate Cancer

Patients with prostate cancer can get many benefits from eating Chia seeds as listed below:

1. As an Anticoagulant

Nutrients in Chia seeds become anticoagulants for the body that inhibits blood clotting. Cancer occurs due to blockage of metabolism that causes blood to clot.

Chia seeds contain protein and iron that help reduce the risk of blood clots and form red blood cells.

2. As an Antioxidant

Free radicals are the main trigger of cancer. Free radicals come from unhealthy lifestyles.

The chemicals consumed by the body everyday will have a negative impact on the body's immune system. Consumption of fruits and vegetables regularly will reduce the impact of these free radicals that damage the cells of the body.

3. As Antivirus

Although cancer is not caused by a virus but they can increase the risk of cancer cells spread to other body parts.

The virus has spread will lower the immune system and disrupt the body's metabolism. From here on, cancer cells start attacking rapidly and metastasize so as to consume Chia seeds appropriately, you will get a natural anti-virus.

4. As Anti Inflammation

Saturated fat in Chia Seed is beneficial for reducing inflammation. The fat also helps maintain the balance of fatty acids between omega 6 and omega 3 in the body.

5. Best Nutrition Source

Chia seed contains several vitamins and minerals that protect the body's cells from cancer. 85 Grams of calcium in chia seed is equivalent to 2 cups of milk, and the Zinc value is similar to 4 cups of spinach.

Side effects

Some of the side effects caused by Chia seed if consumed are not appropriate either dose or way of presentation which resulted in health problems in the body, including:

- Sore throat. How to prevent: Chia seed consumption should be really soft before you swallow.
- Heartburn. How to prevent: drink plenty of water after meals.
- Bloated. How to prevent: eating Chia seed should be mixed with other foods that contain lots of water.
- Reduce appetite. Chia seed contains a high protein that suppresses hunger so it is more suitable for use as a weight loss diet.
- Skin allergies. If you have a fat allergy will cause a rash on your skin.

Prostate cancer patients should consume Chia seed 3 times a week to help repair damaged cells, inhibit cancer cell growth, and maintain their stamina.

Graviola For Prostate Cancer And Testimonials

Prostate cancer is a cancer that threatens men over 50 years growing and developing in prostate tissue. If left untreated, cancer cells will spread to the body will weaken metabolism and endurance.

Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor that attacks the prostate gland in the male reproductive system, located beneath the bladder and surrounding the urethra, the top of the tube that secretes urine from the bladder.

Graviola For Prostate Cancer

Graviola Prostate Cancer Testimonials

Prostate cancer may spread (metastasis) to nearby tissue or spine. If the cancer has been spreads to the spine, you will feel pain in the spinal cord, there are bloods in urine when you micturition.

Mr. Haryanto's testimony

Mr. Sri Haryanto, the owner of the "Anugrah Agung Clinic" in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, his prostate cancer has been deflated after undergoing laser therapy, drinking white turmeric, and consuming tea graviola routine.

"I am always going to bathroom starting at 9 pm. I pee more 5 times in one night. I feel very suffer and not take it anymore. I'm go to check up in nearby hospital for catheters at 02.00 am morning. After catheter, I feel more comfortable. However, at next night, I could not urinary again.

After 4 days, my body is not improves; I am visit a doctor again. The result of second check up, my prostate gland had been swelled up to 2.5 times. The swelling has been blocking my urinary tract. I am positive with prostate cancer.

Because my age 70 years, the doctor does not provide treatment options other than laser therapy.

I'm waiting for vigilant stage. From some books that I read, only 2 out of 10 people who successfully underwent therapy for it.

In addition to therapy, doctors also give drugs for me to eat 3 times a day. I'm just undergoing the laser therapy 2 times in 3 months interval where each for 1 hour.

Along with medical treatment by doctors, I’m taking traditional medicine too. I'm drinking the white turmeric to smooth of urination; I also consuming the leaves graviola stew.

During the undergoing laser therapy, I also consuming 300 cc of graviola juice between 6 pm – 7 pm for 3 months, routinely

"My hope, all contents in graviola soursop will react during nighttime. Graviola leaf was able to solidify my stamina and remove toxins from my body. As a result, prostate cancer has been deflated and I get back with normal micturition again" said Mr. Haryanto.

Andi's testimony

Andi Emanto (74), a swallow bird development consultant, he is having trouble going to pee. He felt pain when urinating, the urine not well with long intervals. He must get up 4-5 times to pee at every night.

Before, I'm think that I just suffering the cylisis (post void dribbling). Nevertheless, 2 months later, impaired urination is not go away. I'm is not able to withstand the pain again and then I go to check up to hospital in Surabaya, East Java.

I'm undergoing ultrasound, biopsy and blood tests. The examination result, the doctor diagnose that I'am has been positive with prostate cancer. The value of PSA (prostate specific antigen) reached 40.

Doctors say, My prostate cancer has entered to grade II. For remove the blockage, doctors just did a prostate resection (Transurethral resection of the prostate - TURP)

I was suffering from prostate swelling. When prostate enlarging, they will be pressing the urethra so that difficult to pee and pile up in the bladder.

According to urologist, Dr. Ahmad Bi Utomo SPU, in Surakarta, Central Java, the resection just act to smooth when someone to pee. After resection, I'm could piss smoothly. But a few months later, I'm experience of urinary disorder again.

In October 2010, I am visit Dr Zainal Gani in Malang, East Java. Dr. Zainal prescribes capsule graviola for me, 3 capsules for 3 times a day on a regular basis. Doctors also recommend for healthy lifestyle and avoiding eating meat such as beef, mutton, and chicken.

After two months I consuming capsule graviola routine, I feel my piss become smoothly and without pain again.

Mr. Aryono's testimony

Mr. Aryono's prostate cancer was in stage 4. The following Mr. Aryono's story on his struggle to against the prostate cancer metastasis until cured.

"Since diagnosed by doctor that I'm suffering prostate cancer bone metastases at 10 months ago, I always try to get information about alternative treatment, besides I undergoing to medical treatment too.

By searching on internet and get of experience from person's cancer other, I decided to consume the graviola soursop leaves for treat my prostate cancer.

To make ends that I need, I'm buying some graviola tree. Now, I have12 graviola tree at my home. Sometimes, if it is not sufficient for I needs, I take the graviola soursop leaves from neighboring.

You can read on the internet in how to make graviola leaves stew, I consuming 2 glasses of graviola leaves per day on a regular basis, until now.

I'm get a true information on how to handle the graviola soursop leaves when I attended a seminar "Taman Buah Mekar Sari" February 2011, graviola soursop extract do not stored in excess of 12 hours, if storing over 12 hours, they are become stale and unpalatable.

Besides consuming graviola tea, I also take juice graviola without sugar. According to valid information, if you want add sugar, choosing palm sugar and don't choose the granulated sugar.

I feel that my body becomes warmer and my stamina is increase because effects of graviola tea drink. I often feel thirsty at night and not hungry.

Since 3 months ago, my doctor stopped the hormone therapy that I undergoing for a while, the doctor just monitor my PSA levels (Marker for prostate) to not over 4, and since 3 months ago I was more depend on graviola tea compared with other therapies.

Changes now in my body self is the black hair that growing on my head. I don't know what is this reaction from consuming leaves graviola.

I believe that leaves graviola gives for me some positive effects in fight against to prostate cancer cells and I hope in the next times I could maintain the PSA level in normal range, "said Mr. Aryono, Bogor, Indonesia, person with prostate cancer metastasis stage 4. (Reporter Trubus Magazine)

How to Use Graviola for Prostate Cancer

"On the leaves too young, not much acetogenins formed. While on the leaves that are too old, the quality of acetogenins are reduced, "said Dr. Hamida MKes, college teacher of Biology at the Airlangga University.

How to make the leaves graviola for cancer treatment? Mr. Aryono said, according to Miss. Titah, we inform that to get 1 glass of soursop leaf by boiling the fresh leaf of 11 sheet.

Add 3 cups of water and then boiling for +/-3 hours in stainless steel pan or pots clay into 1-cup water; boil it with a small flame.

May be a hassle for you, because we make the herb at 10 or 11 p.m and finished at 1- 2 a.m.

I drink 1 glass of leaves graviola in the morning and 1 glass at night on a regular basis.

Is taste of graviola leaf? Juice the leaves of soursop graviola is similar to flavor of tea, little bitter and bland.

For those of you who want simple way, you can buy graviola leaf capsules or graviola tea powder via online.

If you delay time drink, save the herb in the fridge, do not stored more than 12 hours because they would be stale.

How to get maximum results treatment? To get optimal treatment results, you are consuming the herb regularly and scheduled.

I consume the graviola leaves started 10 months ago and I feel all benefits for me. For others person, I don't know. We remain on medical therapy to improve cancer treatment.

Are side effects of graviola treatments?

Up to now, after +/-10 months I consume the herb graviola, I get no side effects and test results from the lab have shown that none affects the function of my body such as uric acid, cholesterol, creatinin etc.

We feel a positive effect, but not necessarily give the same effect to other people. Our hope, you also get the positive effects from the graviola leaves as we feel. Multiply the reading of literature and valid reference to obtain accurate information.

Many people consider garviola cancer is hoax, what do you think?

We must understand that the reaction of the alternative treatments depends on the condition of each individual. Body condition of the patient is different though the same type of illness. Therefore, handling and dosage of treament is different, depending on the conditions at last/spread of cancer cells, weight, and age.

Besides, we have to remove the residue of disease and the drugs intake where we eat every day via the detoxification process, all that will be waste of body where the natural exhaust system on our body get disruptions due to the disease itself.


Acetogenins compounds in leaves soursop/graviola is very selective to target and kill cancer cells without damaging healthy cells.

Acetogenins just attack cancer cells by inhibiting the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) as an energy source to cancer cells.

Cancer cells divide very fast at every 2 – 5 hours; whereas normal cells are only 7-14 days. The cell divisions need big energy from ATP.

The low energy supplies will inhibit the ATP production so that will cause apoptosis cells.

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